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I need y'all's advice..

I've been trying to reflect and sometimes It's hard to see things from an outside perspective so I'm asking y'all..

Basically I traveled to see my best friend, and it ended really bad.
Originally we were thinking of a different travel, but because I haven't seen her in years and talked about visiting her for so long I felt like I should visit her first. She only had a day off but we extended our trip anyways and went to 3 different countries in one trip. We were supposed to see her first (she said she would get time off), but then after she didn't have time off, we rearranged our trip which not only cost us more money but also added several days of travel time.. But we did it so that we could spend one day with her.

We took the earliest ferry to meet her for lunch, which meant we had to wake up at 6am, and go straight to lunch when we arrived. While at lunch she talked about all the things she had planned for us, she wanted to show us everything, I told her that I was way to exhausted from all the traveling and had barely slept, so I needed a nap. She also said that she was going to call in sick to work the next day, so I then thought that meant we would have 2 days together instead of one, so we wouldn't need to stress. We agreed to meet at 4pm, and she came to our hotel, while I got ready we had two bottles of champagne, some shots and drinks. From my perspective we had fun, and I'm a quality time kinda person, I care about spending time with people not WHAT we do.

When we left the hotel, we were all pretty tipsy (some drunk), and she tried to give us a tour and got a bit angry when we didn't pay too much attention to everything, I honestly thought she was joking around, because in my mind it was pretty clear that we weren't going to go for a tour of her city at that time.

I was hungry (we hadn't eaten since lunch at 10:30, and it was around 7-8pm), and she wanted to go to a bar with cheap alcohol and pizza so we went there.

As I looked at the menu she started "lecturing" me because I was worried about my man being too drunk, and not wanted both of us to be wasted in a new country, so I told him that if he was drinking more I would slow down, or he would need to slow down. I was a bit annoyed but mostly because she kept interfering and talking against me, telling me to let go of control and relax on top of other things.

She kept asking why I feel like that knowing that I have a lot of trauma and a lot of trauma involving alcohol, it wasn't something I felt like talking about in that moment, so I kept looking at the menu - talking about what to eat while she kept trying to talk about serious things, and what felt like attacking me. She started pointing out that I was off my meds and I have issues, that I need to work on it and stop worrying, that I'm safe and need to relax, that I need to enjoy the moment, just a bunch of poking at my emotions it felt like. I was off my meds because I forgot my meds at home when we left for the trip so I was extra sensitive and a bit anxious... I kept trying to avoid the conversation because I felt so uncomfortable, and she kept speaking louder and yelling, telling me to look at her, and even said "I know you're crying" before I even broke down. Eventually I left the table and went to the restroom to get a break, where I then started tearing up. I texted my sister who called me to ask what's wrong. After a while she came to the restroom and I told her straight out that she made me cry and that she's being really mean. She kept telling me to trust her, that SHE will tell me if we get out of control drunk, and to trust her. After we sat down I ordered food and a mojito.

I tried to have fun, but she brought things back up again. I got more annoyed and it turned into me getting annoyed with my man for being too drunk, but calmed down again and tried to just ignore my own intuition and "have fun". Around midnight I was done and ready to leave. I told her she could stay at our hotel, and said that we could grab some food and go home to sleep. She then said "if y'all go to sleep I'll never speak to you again!" which I ignored. AFTER I said I wanted to leave, she ordered another beer. She sat down and said that she's going to drink her beer cause she paid for it, so we waited for her to drink her beer. When I said let's go she asked if I was seriously going to sleep, I said yes. She then got angry, and I said that they can do what they want, but I was tired and had a headache and just wanted to go to sleep. When we came outside she started asking again if I was serious in a very aggressive tone, so I ignored it at first cause I had already said it twice. She then screamed why she stayed out so long "FOR YOU TWO" which made me feel like shit, cause we traveled all that way, and she was making a big deal about staying out late to spend time with us? She started screaming at me to fuck off, and that she would never speak to me again and "fuck you both". my husband came out mids screaming and asked what was happening, she then screamed at him to fuck off, and he asked what was happening, she continued to scream at us both to fuck off while she walked away so he screamed back "no fuck you" and that she's not allowed to talk to me like that.

We left and she sent me several mean messages, she also tried to call me which I didn't see until we got back to the hotel so I tried to call her back, she ignored and kept sending messages. I told her I had no idea what made her go off like that. She blocked me, and next morning added me back.

I expected an apology, instead I got a new message two days later about how I disappointed her, how disrespectful I was and that she was yelled at... I later replied saying how I felt, and that she was the one yelling and disrespecting me, which did not end well at all.

After arguing a bit, I'm basically left with a feeling that she's had a lot of resentment for me for whatever reason for years, and it feels like she's trying her hardest to find a new thing to be mad about so that she don't need to apologize for how she acted.

I thought about saying sorry for messing up her plans and just try to solve it, but then I reread the messages and I'm just not sure there's anything to solve. I don't wanna lose a good friend, but good friends are not supposed to gather up ammunition and then use it against you either, so I'm just lost.

I could've brought up so much against her as well, but I won't because it's in the past and when I decided to move on from it that's where I left it.

She also said she's felt blindsided by me "ever since I left her for Miami", which is hella confusing cause I never left her when we were in Miami, actually she left me and I even reported her missing + she ditched half our trip which I then went on alone... On top of that that was in 2019...

I've had several people tell me I should just block her and move on cause she's jealous and toxic, but she's been my best friend for 10 years and I don't want to just "give up" on her either.

Ducky · 31-35, F
I read the whole thing and wow. I don't know if alcohol was influencing her behavior or what, but it sounds like she was being incredibly rude, abrasive and way out of line with screaming at you and your partner like that. It sounds like all you were all trying to do was enjoy your time with her and even after she started getting out of line, were only trying to salvage things. Even if you were being disrespectful to her, she still owes you an apology for flying off the rails. The fact that she can't apologize for where she went wrong just shows what kind of person she is.

Obviously, you know her better than we do and maybe you see something in her that's worth keeping her as a friend. But based on what you've shared, those other people who have told you to just be done with her have the right idea because she does sound jealous and toxic af and no one needs that BS in their life. Least of all from someone who's supposed to be a friend.

My advice is this: get her out of your life and find better friends. I know it sucks growing apart from someone you've known for so long, but people change over time. If she was best friend material before, she sure as hell isn't now. If she still values you at all as a friend, let her losing you give her something to think about and maybe reflect on her attitude. Whether she does or not, that's her problem and you got enough of your own.

Hope this helps.
Cassieeeee · 31-35, F
@Ducky I had to post an update cause this post was long enough 🙃 Thank you for reading all of it🩷 It's really upsetting cause she's been my best friend for 10 years. She's the one I call and talk to the most and there's been plenty of situations where if the roles where reversed she would've gotten angry with me, but I've just ignored it because I feel like friends are a bonus in your life - like having a friends is a bonus and not someone who's supposed to fix all your problems or be your whole world. So many times I've felt like our friendship mostly revolve around her and if she don't get her way then I'm the problem, but then again she's also there whenever I need advice or whenever I'm having a hard time, and I've been having a hard time for years.

I don't know if I'm just hurt and not able to see the whole picture and her side of things.
Ducky · 31-35, F
@Cassieeeee It seems clear on where she stands on her side of things. You said it yourself:
[quote]So many times I've felt like our friendship mostly revolve around her and if she don't get her way then I'm the problem[/quote]

That’s all I’ll say for now and will check out your update.
Cassieeeee · 31-35, F
@Ducky Thank you 🩷
black4white · 56-60, M
You know... it appears this friendship has run its course and thats ok... my advice would be take the high road... just be cool about it..its in the past now and not much you can say or do to fix that and you 2 seems to have had some good times so remember those. I too hate the way it ended for you but not like you had much a choice in that. You made the right decision and that decision is the one that protected you :-) ... you said you were ready to leave ..and it appears you tried to be cool...

Hold your head up as you did nothing wrong in this scenario... stay strong and dont keep looking back saying what if this or what if that... you did right :-)
black4white · 56-60, M
@Cassieeeee And you know what .... you can still have her as a friend 50 years from now... JUST know what kind of friend she is. :-) Thats all i am saying..she dont seem to be changing that much over the past 10 if anything has gotten worse.

She seems like a great friend IF everything is going great and you dont have any life issues...BUT we know that is now how life goes.
Cassieeeee · 31-35, F
@black4white Yes I guess, just very disappointing 😩
black4white · 56-60, M
@Cassieeeee I am sorry about that yet there is a bright side... NOW you know how she is😁and you wont be disappointed next time because hopefully you have learned that she is NOT changing her ways and there is nothing wrong with that on her side. Its up to YOU to try and continue to bring those in your life that support you regardless of how life is.
It seems like both of ypu have issues and the friendship has ran its course. I think both of you need to work on communication and sticking to a plan.

This entire story really lacked any level of maturity, communication skills, or mutual respect for one another.
Cassieeeee · 31-35, F
@WildernessWriterExplorer You're right, however I tried communicating but got yelled at so I shut down^^ This post would've been way longer if I shared everything. The last message I sent her was that I still love her but I'm hurt and clearly she is too. Also our plan changed several times before I even got there, so eventually I told her that we should just take it as it comes and see what happens.

I do feel bad that she got so upset and angry, which is why I've spent so much time reflecting on every aspect of what happened. No matter what happened or didn't happen, that still don't justify screaming at me like that, screaming at my man or all the mean things she said. I would've never spoken to her or any friend the way she spoke to me.
@Cassieeeee The communication broke down well before the night started. As you both had extremely different ideas of the night going. Also if you follow the 90/10 rule of story telling we know 90% of what she did and 10% of what you did.

Yes this is where there's no mutual respect both of you didn't respect one another.

Time to dissolve the friendship.
Cassieeeee · 31-35, F
@WildernessWriterExplorer Yes it did. It also didn’t help that I forgot all my meds at home before the trip so my mind was racing the entire time 😂 I did post another one with the things she said and my view on it. I need some days to reflect, and knowing her so does she and then I’ll try to speak to her.
masterofyou · 70-79, M
Im sorry that happened 😔 everyone can go through this in their life, i did with a few friends, well i thought they were my friends one was a lover. But in the end you find out the only one that counts is yourself, you did nothing wrong... God bless and be true to yourself.... Best thing to do if she feels bad for the way she acted is to forgive and make up....😕
Djc58 · 56-60, M
Don’t leave your friend. Give it time. I know of ladies who have similar stories, and it’s weird to me, but I do know if they just move on, they regret it later. You can always reconcile.
Cassieeeee · 31-35, F
@Djc58 I’m not, I just need some time to reflect and heal. I’m still so hurt by it, and the only reason I’m still hurt is because I love her so much and never expected that from her.
Djc58 · 56-60, M
@Cassieeeee I understand. I don’t have a similar experience, but my wife has.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
sometimes you have to take the patient off of life support.

people change
I know the people I was closest to in high school would be absolute strangers if I met them today.

peoples focus changes.

the booze didn't help - but it was just another symptom.

Keeping a friend that you aren't close too on a regular basis is kind of ...well like keeping a pair of pants around hoping you can wear them again.

there are 8.1 billion people in the world - no doubt you can make another best friend.

not what you want to hear but ...well that's my opinion
Cassieeeee · 31-35, F
Okei this was way too long, and not sure why it's labeled adult..
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
[quote] I don't wanna lose a good friend.

You don’t have a good friend on her to loose, look how she treated you, it was so disrespectful. She harbours some resentments from your time in Miami but you said you didn’t leave her and filed a missing persons report.

She’s got some deep rooted issues and maybe you can talk to her when no alcohol is involved and you are on your meds.
Cassieeeee · 31-35, F
@iamonfire696 I wrote a message to her, but haven’t sent it yet, can I send it too you first?
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@Cassieeeee yes you can 🩷

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