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Patientlywaiting46-50, F
Hi I haven't got a lot of time to chat right now, couldn't even read your full post. I'm an adoptive mum and also an ex foster carer. My youngest son has foetal alcohol syndrome and his birth mum was also a user. We have had him since birth so I've been in your position. I thought a good name for your baby girl will be one that means resilience and strength. You will need strength too. I'm praying for you mama xx
seana26-30, F
@Patientlywaiting Thank you for your comment. I have found it so helpful talking to people in the same position. She is coming home today and I鈥檓 terrified but relieved as she is doing so well. We think we have found a name for her with a lot of meaning 鉂わ笍 Thank you for the prayers xx
Patientlywaiting46-50, F
@seana any time you want to message me feel free 鉂わ笍

PTCdresser5761-69, M
All you can do is love her...touch her and talk to her. As far as things you need...get ahold of social services for help
that sounds really rough. i wish you the best of luck! unfortunately i don't have any advise.
That sounds very challenging! The very best of luck x
i'm not reading all THAT.
this sounds tragic,, i wish you and your family all the best 馃枻
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seana26-30, F
@cherryxblossom thank you for your reply! Oh gosh it is so complicated with those kind of relationships. That must be so weird for you too. I resented my dad a lot when he decided to start dating my boyfriend鈥檚 mom. As a teenager that invited incest jokes. It wasn鈥檛 as bad as it could have been but still not fun as a 16 year old. Having mutual sisters takes it up a notch but the age gap is so big they have never felt like sisters to me, more like nieces.

It is so overwhelming. I think people assume we know what we are doing because we have two little ones, but I never helped out with them as infants and I have never cared for an infant before. People keep telling me a newborn is easier than a mobile toddler and it makes me feel like I should know what I鈥檓 doing but I don鈥檛. Her sleeping is not good at the moment and I鈥檓 pretty terrified for that. I struggle enough with a 4 year old who often wakes up at the crack of dawn or comes in our bed in the night.

My husband suggested a shower but I鈥檓 really anxious about it. We鈥檙e so busy that it probably wouldn鈥檛 be until after she comes home as we spend all our free time at the hospital and alternating looking after the girls right now. But I don鈥檛 want to expose her to any germs or anything so the thought of people coming over is stressing me out. She鈥檚 already suffering so much and I don鈥檛 want her to get sick.

Financially we are ok and can buy the stuff without too much issue, it鈥檚 just overwhelming to me looking at brands and options and everything. I feel like I spend hours looking and researching and end up more stuck than before. It鈥檚 a lot.

Thank you for those adorable name suggestions 鉂わ笍

Oh a nail file is a great idea!! As is the thermometer and suction thing. I hadn鈥檛 thought of those so I will add them to my list. Thank you!

I鈥檓 going to try to just go ahead and put in an amazon order and just send my husband to the store to get a car seat. I guess an employee can help him. He at first suggested we just bring her home in our 4 year old鈥檚 car seat. It鈥檚 RF and could probably be used if we adjusted it a lot but as I told him we need somewhere to put the 4 year old, and I would never trust myself to adjust her seat properly for a teeny tiny baby. He realised I was right when he saw her for the first time. I want to bring her home in a 500 layers of protection and a crash helmet then never leave the house again until she鈥檚 a whole lot bigger.
@seana I鈥檓 going to send you a private message :)

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