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Should i leave my boyfriend?..

If you saw my other posts,
I did confront him about it but
All he just said it was nobody..
Right front of me he deleted her
But right now the relationship is getting worse
He keeps making jokes about cheating on me.
Last night we were watching tiktok videos together, there was a video about this guy cheating on his girlfriend and my boyfriend made a joke about cheating on me.. i got mad at him about it but he apologized..
I was still mad that he made a joke about it so he got mad that i was still mad about it so he slept on the couch.. he didnt wanna sleep on the bed with me but this morning i was asking him why he didnt sleep on the bed.. he started getting mad saying i should say sorry for making him mad and making him sleep on the couch then he said that im making a huge deal out of it.. it lead to a huge argument
To the point where he made me cried but he still kept getting mad at me even more saying i dont care about his feelings..he also said that im toxic for not caring about him enough
He kept saying i dont love him even tho i did everything for him.
I quit my job for him,
I left my family for him,
I help around the apartment alot..
I need advice what to do..
Am i in the wrong here?
[I did apologize to him but he still got mad at me]
Im only 20 years old
He's 25 years old
Xicsukin · M
Hold on you dropped everything for this guy and he still wants more? I feel as though no matter what you do it just won't be enough. I'm saying this cus I did the exact same thing for my partner and she was never has egregious as your partner is being.

You need to sit back and think from another person's perspective, if you were seeing all that's happening to sombody else could justify their actions? From what you're describing to me this is mental abuse and manipulation and all you have said are red flags.

You don't apologize then get mad at the person about making you mad, they're trying to make you the bad person so you cave to their madness. It's like when a man beats a woman and his response is "look what you made me doo, how could you make me so mad, apologies"

I strongly recommend taking some time away, go back to your family by yourself, say you need the space to thing and have a temporary break. His actions will definitely help determin the course of action you need to take.

If your feeling threatened or even a bad instinct, listen to your guts. If you have friends or family who can help you move the ln ask for their help. And I would 100% voice record the conversation between you two incase anything bad happens, it's better to cover all your bases.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
You quit your job for him, and you only have been together for 5 months (as your other post states)?

That is a red flag for me.

And his attitude about other women is creepy.

I would say: ditch him and go back to work.
Mktonght · 61-69, M
Someone who obviously does not give you respect nor is able to just be open and honest with you certainly doesn't deserve you.
So many women get tracked in situations that in effect are abuse (emotional abuse is as bad as physical)
The problem is your self respect and everything points to him cheating already with the "secret" phone calls.
For him to demand you kowtowing to his many demands is an issue that will lead eventually to physical abuse as well in most situations.
This is not a relationship, it seems to be a hell on earth relationship.
He sounds controlling and emotionally abusive.
black4white · 56-60, M
time to move on and say bye bye.... just know this... your history is not changing and its only getting worse... that that the life you want to live?
If yes... then stay and know what you are in store for
If no ... then you already know what needs to be done and it is called leaving him

Good luck and make the decision for you and your own well being
Pretzel · 61-69, M
when in doubt
run faster
Yeah... Time to get out of Dodge. He should be man enough to own his own emotions and the things he does as a result of how he feels.

You did not "make him sleep on the couch". He did that of his own free will.
Zeroyasha · 26-30, M
He's being manipulative and taking advatange of you in every single way, please, for the sake your mental health, leave him as fast as you can, as it will only get worst.
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SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
@OldMan70 jc 😂
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@OldMan70 You’re advice is shit
DCarey · 46-50, M
You're allowing him to walk all over you. Kick him to the curb before it gets too late.
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
Yeah save time…. Leave. You will find someone else . It’s already toxic from what I can see. You already loss your self worth by dropping family…and quiting your job. Where’s your identity??? Oh… he is your identity and your strength… you need to change that or you’ll be looking back at this couple years later in a worse condition.
justanothername · 51-55, M
Say bye bye and find someone better.
11knaves11 · 46-50, M
I think the question you have to ask yourself is ARE YOU PREPARED TO LEAVE HIM AND NOT GO BACK....(Rhetorical) only you can answer that question. Good luck
Jessmari · 41-45
You have a relationship of apologies. Doesn't seem like the apologies mean anything anymore. Why would you want to continue this cycle?
Him joking about cheating is a subtle hint at how his inner mind works

There is some truth to how guys joke sometimes and this looks just like it
th3r0n · 41-45, M
If a guy makes a joke about cheating on you 3x in a month, break up with him even if there's nothing else that seems bad, always.
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
Dumb him and find yourself someone who will treat u better. 😇
666Maggotz · F
Yes. Yes, yes. This is an obviously toxic and unhappy relationship.
dale74 · M
Cheaters don't stop and if he has that much disrespect for you you're never going to have a loving caring relationship he can either keep getting emotionally distraught possibly even making children with this man that you'll never be happy with or you can cut your losses and move on but everyone has a choice to make good luck
DHggmu · 31-35, M
I said on your other post there’s a lot of red flags and he sounds controlling. Now there’s a lot more red flags and that means get out before it gets even worse.
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
The question is if we all said u should would you? 🤔
Blackberry1 · 16-17
caccoon · 36-40
Can you go back to your family? I really think this relationship seems like trouble for you 💙

Stay safe 💙 you don't even have to break up with him, but not living together is good. Get some distance between you and give yourself time to think. Talk with someone close about it, make sure you feel supported and are honest with those that love you
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
First do this:

Then dump him.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
You deserve better than that. Much better. If you can go back to your family you should.
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