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How to Spot a Liar | Personality Profile of Credible Liar


-Liars use different techniques.

For example not communicating too much information, staying close to the truth, saying only what someone needs to say without adding extra material, embellishing stories without any verifiable information.

-When people who self reported how good they were at lying, they preferred face to face

-The most frequently used lying tactic is to keep the statement clear and simple

-Telling a plausible story, being vague about details, embedding a lie in an otherwise truthful story

-Characteristics of self reported "good" liars: keeping the statement clear, simple and possible, embedding the lies into truthful stories and embedding unverified details. They tended to lie to face to face, colleagues, friends, romantic partners.

-Poor liars tended to lie to casual partners and strangers, also more likely to rely on being intentionally vague as a strategy

-Both groups believed that their behavioral strategy were important to be good liars

-The people who are most effective at lying believe their own lies which is a key feature of narcissism. Self deception works in the fact that they notice their lies, less. Effective lies tell the same lies repeatedly until it becomes true. Some people are good at matching the emotion they are trying to convey.

-How to tell if someone's a liar.

There's no method really but certain words and phrases that leave options open are connected to lying like using the words may, might, if I remember correctly, I think so with the idea here is the individual is keeping their options open so if they get caught, they can pivot.

-Body language is useless in determining a lie, micro expressions lead to inconsistent findings.

-You can understand the person to find a liar.

Look for low probability of events in their stories, inconsistencies over time are the best way to find a liar (you can ask them to repeat their story again, acting like you didn't hear them,) ask someone to tell the story in reverse (but this is more of an outward strategy which will let the liar know and be more on guard,) if we see a pattern of low probability events it gets into the area of impossibility.

-Psychopathy is associated with telling lies for no reason, Machiavellianism is associated with telling white lies, narcissism is associated with lying for self gain and an associated skill (they tend to believe they're more effective at lying.)

-The 5 factors personality model when it comes to detecting lies towards the end.
Ferric67 · M
There's a classic scene in the movie True Romance with Christopher Walken and Dennis Hopper the touches on this.
Quite possibly one of my favorite movies scenes ever.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Ferric67 I'll have to see if I can find it
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
This dude needs a 5 hour energy
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Rolexeo Your mom needs a 5 hour energy.
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
@SatanBurger she does, I am a shit child

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