NorthernBear · 51-55, M
The Trump administration was using a little-known form of Eminent Domain where they just take the property and decide later what they are going to pay for it. They were taking away private property a few miles in from the border in this way to build their wall. Stealing is what they were doing. It has to be a few miles in because they can't build right on the river. In so doing they will be giving part of Texas (the few miles on the other side of the wall) back to Mexico. I don't know whatever happened, if this is still going on, because the mainstream liberal media won't report on it. At any rate, COVID will have everything stalled at the moment. But no, Mexico will never pay so much as a peso for it.
Valentine · M
@NorthernBear Thank you. If I recall correctly, England, or to be more accurate, its Anglo-Saxon predecessors, did similar in/around AD 775 in building Offa's Dyke, to keep the marauding Celts at bay between what is now Wales (then Powys) and England. I'm not sure who paid for it. For all I know, the Welsh are probably still paying. I'm sure my historian buddy @TheSirfurryanimalWales can correct / add to this as required.
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
‘The Wall ‘ is no more it’s now a fence and very little built to date. And naturally Mexico isn’t paying for it 🙂
Adstar · 56-60, M
It's being built.. Takes a long time to do it thought.. It is a long border..

I doubt it
greenmountaingal · 80-89, F
Valentine · M
@greenmountaingal I take that as a No No answer!!? Lol
cook me up some hotdogs been watching Donald trumps live on YouTube
This message was deleted by its author.
Valentine · M
@smiler2012 Sorry my friend. You may not have caught the news this morning that apparently Trump is crying foul with the way social media is attacking him with falsehoods. I remember an old maxim “Live by the sword, die by the sword”. Trump presumably likes having cake and eating it.
I see you’ve deleted it. I wouldn’t have. But, I do soooo enjoy those rubber gloves interrogations they do at immigration control. Lol.
I see you’ve deleted it. I wouldn’t have. But, I do soooo enjoy those rubber gloves interrogations they do at immigration control. Lol.
smiler2012 · 61-69
@Valentine i still have it written down do you think i should put it back on or just private message to you what do you think
Valentine · M
@smiler2012 Move on 😉