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StevenIzzi · M
As a straight married man, I am confident enough in my masculinity to be able to look at a guy and say "I can see why women would be attracted to him"
He is a good looking guy, but ditch the dog snapchat selfie stuff.
The biggest issue I see tbh is his confidence, Confidence is one of the sexiest attributes and if you feel like a 10 then it will translate to the body, I would also guess that it is the reason that he has trouble with ladies.... I see 2 reasons for that.
1. His confidence as mentioned above,
2. (My wife's response)He is stepping down his game. He is good looking and so he is probably going after women that are also lacking confidence so they push him away because they feel he will drop them based on being handsome.....He needs to match up to a sexy confident girl.
He is a good looking guy, but ditch the dog snapchat selfie stuff.
The biggest issue I see tbh is his confidence, Confidence is one of the sexiest attributes and if you feel like a 10 then it will translate to the body, I would also guess that it is the reason that he has trouble with ladies.... I see 2 reasons for that.
1. His confidence as mentioned above,
2. (My wife's response)He is stepping down his game. He is good looking and so he is probably going after women that are also lacking confidence so they push him away because they feel he will drop them based on being handsome.....He needs to match up to a sexy confident girl.
Mamapolo2016 · F
None of those fit. He is, simply, beautiful. Not girly beautiful. Manly beauty. Maybe the problem, if he thinks he's ugly, is that he's dumb? Or rude. Or mean.
Paliglass · 41-45, F
I voted cute because as he gets older he'll be handsome. But to his age group he's hansom now I guess 🤷
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
I am completely straight, but unless you kids have wildly differently standards these days then even I know that isn't ugly.
Tell the young man to pair kindness with confidence and he'll go far.
Tell the young man to pair kindness with confidence and he'll go far.