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Reflection2 · 36-40, M
Focus on work or job. Forgot rest. Speak to Friends too.
Newman · 26-30, M
Ain’t got friends lol @Reflection2
Reflection2 · 36-40, M
@Newman find a job, no matter how less it pays you. Rest will fall in place with time


Noah Elkrief helps others to quickly lose their suffering by showing people how to stop believing the thoughts that create their unwanted emotions. Noah has an individual counseling practice in Manhattan (and on Skype). His book, "A Guide to The Present Moment", has been bought/downloaded by over 100,000 people since it was published in November of 2012. Noah also runs a video blog at that gets over 25,000 monthly visitors, and a Youtube channel that has over 100,000 subscribers and gets over 350,000 monthly views. He has a number of other videos, as well, to help with fear and other problems.

From the time Noah was just six years old, he started meditating every day. While devoting himself to meditation, Noah also managed to achieve worldly success as he worked on the trading floor at Goldman Sachs in New York, traveled around Europe as a corporate strategy consultant based out of London, and was accepted into the prestigious Mensa society.
Rosejilly · 56-60, F
Hi - If I'd killed myself every time I was betrayed I would've been dead 30 years by now. It's THEIR problem they're ****s, not yours.

You're strong enough to message about it on here, eloquent, ok into religion (we don't have that so much here). As we say "FUCK 'EM" - be yourself, who you want to be. Set a start date. Do something every day for you not them. Do something nice for an old person. Say hello I'm as broke as you to a rough sleeper.

Oh don't worry about the financial stuff - those people go away after a while.

Jill X
Yes, Jesus showed us by His resurrection that there is life after death. We all have a soul, and it lives through eternity. The only reason people miss heaven, is because sin separates us from God...but when we ask Jesus to come into our heart and life as our Savior and to forgive us of our sins, he does that, and we come back into fellowship with God. Then He sends the Holy Spirit to live in you to help guide you through life. He also gives you the free gift of eternal life. He gave us life for a reason, and that was to live it, not kill ourselves. So the answer is never suicide. There is nothing too hard for God to accomplish in your life and give you a brand new start.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
No one knows for certain if there is or not. But life can get better, talk to a therapist. Don't do something you can't reverse.
BiblicalWarrior · 51-55, M
There is an afterlife, and you are right, suicide is a sin. JUst take the advice given by others here and your life will improve with time. Go make soem real friends, place your faith in whatever you call God, and live the best life you can.
4meAndyou · F
If you wait, and don't act on those feelings, those memories will fade, and eventually they won't hurt at all. Just remember this one thing: when you are the most emotionally upset is the worst time to take any sort of important action.
Ian123 · 61-69, M
If suicide is a sin in your religion, try and get help from people. You wont know if you dont try

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