I saw this, this morning when I got up. I’ve got a special message for you, and I’m hoping you’ll read it, because I wrote it just for you, and I’ll give you the link in just a moment. After I wrote it, I felt there were others that may need to really hear it, as well, so that is why I am going to also post it. We love you. Don’t kill yourself, please. We need you, too. ❤🤗 There is hope...
How about looking outward, instead? See what you have to offer to people who need someone. You start making someone else feel better and you may just discover that you're not so despicable after all. In every city and even small towns, there are volunteer organizations. Some even offer the opportunity to travel the world, all for free....free lodgings, free travel, free food, and the chance to feel good about yourself. You are young. Now is the time to think about these opportunities.
do not make jokes like that deary, there are some very seriously sick folks out there who want to live but dying they feel is the only way out of the nightmare they can't bring themselves out from due to many situations....