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Break into the art scene w/vengeful art ... use them as the muse from hell.
Acthy · 26-30, F
@sighmeupforthat i did write some poems based on this
I don't think there really is a way. It's a matter of time.
Take time to heal yourself forget what he did. We all move on at different paces.
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
Go shag his best friend
Acthy · 26-30, F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout 😂😂😂😂
SerenitiesScars · 36-40, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout 😶 Time to befriend someone new on facebook..
Chaoshead · 22-25, M
Hit the clubs. 😎
Or wallow in perpetual self-pity. 🤔
Or wallow in perpetual self-pity. 🤔
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
It doesn't matter how fast he moved on, we all process these things in different ways. I recommend staying busy and reengaging with hobbies and friends. If you feel like you're not ready to date or have casual sex yet, that's ok, no rush. That works well for some people, but can make others feel worse.
There's going to be a rebound relationship in there somewhere, just remember that.
Like others have said, rediscover yourself. Go do things you used to do, reconnect with friends that faded away, and do all of the things you wanted to but couldn't because you had to make sure he was ok with it.
Like others have said, rediscover yourself. Go do things you used to do, reconnect with friends that faded away, and do all of the things you wanted to but couldn't because you had to make sure he was ok with it.
It takes time to heal. That's honestly the best answer I can give you...coming from my own personal experience. Take care of your ❤️. 😊
Keep on living. What did you do before you met him? Do that.
Acthy · 26-30, F
@SW-User I mean, i was pretty depressed back then, but i get what you mean
@Acthy True, that happens. You will come out of that. The only way is forward. :)
Acthy · 26-30, F
@SW-User indeed. Hopefully soon
You don't,
For a while.
One day you wake up feeling fine. Maybe a year later. Maybe more.
For a while.
One day you wake up feeling fine. Maybe a year later. Maybe more.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
You grieve, you cry then one day you decide enough, life is passing you by...
Rasengan101 · 31-35, M
Move on your self.
maybe he met his soulmate and now they're making babies
Acthy · 26-30, F
@SW-User ouch
@Acthy women do the same, at one time they would die for you and other times they wanna kill the shit out of you *they fantasize*
Acthy · 26-30, F
@SW-User 🤔 maybe you deserve it
Benjr134 · M
Not sure. Cause I didn’t move on quickly.
SerenitiesScars · 36-40, M
😶 Become a tripper and let people do lines of cocaine off your vagina..
@SerenitiesScars That's so 80's.
Tukudo · 41-45, M
No one knows when will love no pace in it.
Go out. Have fun.
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 31-35, F
Combination of time and spending time doing fun things. Trying new stuff and going places. Being with people you enjoy. Etc