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Anyone experienced in or familiar with probate law?

A tenant of mine had passed away and his only next of kin is a brother who wants nothing to do with his possessions. He does however have an ex-wife who is hounding me for money. i know I should probably get a lawyer but this whole ordeal has already been costing me a ton of money.
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Goralski · 56-60, M
If she's not related to him its none of her business
TheSeptikSkeptik · 46-50, M
@Goralski After speaking with her just a couple of times, I can see why she's an ex.
hounding you for money?
you may need to talk to a lawyer about this. probate law changes from state to state
or you could start here!
TheSeptikSkeptik · 46-50, M
@nonsensiclesnail I figured it would vary from state to state. The police contacted the next of kin then got back to me telling me that he's not interested in the deceased's estate. They then told me that the items would be released to me after fifteen days. Guess a lawyer is my only option at this point.
@TheSeptikSkeptik unfortunately. maybe you can find out what you need in a free consultation. one can hope.
As an ex wife I know that I would not legally have any rights to his possession or money.
TheSeptikSkeptik · 46-50, M
@Mondayschild That was my thought as well but she is being very aggressive. She's calling my wife two to three times a week wanting money so that they will release the body to her. I knew it was a long shot to ask here but I thought I might as well try. Oh well, it was worth a shot.
@TheSeptikSkeptik tell her to talk to his brother and forbid her to call your wife anymore. Sounds like you have a case against her. What I would do is write her a registered letter forbidding any more contact from her. She is a nasty piece of work.
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@TheSeptikSkeptik Ask her if she has anything in writing from the deceased. Just because they're divorced doesn't mean he didn't leave her something.
Lila15 · 22-25, F
I think you should get something in writing from the brother. You don't want him coming back after you've sold all of the stuff, saying he changed his mind and wants it now.

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