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Today has not been an easy day.

I guess I thought in adulthood, I was past the point of losing friends but It seems that I’m at the very peak of that time and I never know if I should assume I’m the problem or if it’s the outside factors that are making too great an impression.

You often hear, “why do you want to be friends with someone who doesn’t want to be friends with you?”, and idk why the desire is instilled but it’s a difficult one to shake. I don’t know if it’s my deeply rooted need to be liked, if I have this thought that they do want to be friends but there’s some mysterious reason why they can’t be or if I just refuse to recognize that I’m the problem.

Irregardless of the reason, the blow of the “abandonment” (yes, I chose the most dramatic word because of the pain I’m in) by my “friends”, is just too much to take sometimes.

I’m just tired of feeling so incredibly alone.
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LookingForTheSummer · 31-35, M
You lose some of your friends as you get older. They usually get busy with other stuff like jobs, relationships, or marriage. Also, some people change, and they want different things in life. So they hang out with new people more than with their older friends.
None of this is your fault, and these are perfectly normal.

I know it's harder to find new friends as you grow older. However, you can join some clubs (any club that is interesting to you) and meet new people there.
masterofyou · 70-79, M
Everyone gains friends and looses friends. It's part of life. But loosing them is very hard to take at my age 😕 hope you gain many friends because having good friends makes life much easier 😊...
alan20 · M
@masterofyou Agree. Losing is especially hard when one cannot really understand the reason. So one cannot explain or apologise without losing self-respect.
masterofyou · 70-79, M
@alan20 Been there with someone that's very close to me.... People just ghosts others now....
TheotherAndy · 41-45, M
Anytime you’d like to vent, I am a good listener, or, reader :P
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
As long as a person has a similar sense of humor I think it’s easy enough to get along with them..

Outside of that though.. idk.. time simply is the biggest factor that changes most things..

If u like voice chats tho.. 😷 hit me up.. unless you’re exclusively referring to in person friendships..
CoffeeBean · 31-35, F
@AuRevoir I don’t mind talking here, voice chats are usually something I have to work up to though
Darin99branch · 51-55, M
My grandfather told me very early on, “if you have as many good, true friends in your life as you have fingers on one hand, you’ve done well.” He explained that most people are acquaintances you meet, mostly based on situations. Workplace, kids, sports, favorite hangouts, etc. The situations change and people drift in and out. It’s the nature of life, it’s not anything inherently wrong with you. You’re fine. 🙂🙂.
Krysclear · 31-35, F
I understand how hurtful it can feel to be abandoned by those that you feel drawn and attached to. It feels like your guys are being taken out as well.
That feeling never goes away but I’ve learned that it’s a process that you can control
Feeling alone is part of adulthood for so many. I deal with it myself. But there are plenty of good moments too. Please don't let it keep you down.
alan20 · M
I can empathise. I tend to try to make myself self-sufficient with regard to friends but it's not really the answer; more likely the problem.
rrraksamam · 31-35, M
I feel you.

Though in my case, I don't want her to be my friend. I want her to be my lover and soulmate.

I'm not big on friendships. I'm too awkward and I say the wrong things sometimes.
mynameisbradley · 36-40, M
Hi how are you? I know wjat you mean i used to have friends i could always messsge and tslk to hangout when we eanted to. Now i just tslk to a few people sp its not just you. People get busy with their life, familu, work, military, then person rheyre with, etc.
I found it way harder to make friends as an actual adult. If you figure out how best to go about it, I'd love to hear about it.
plungesponge · 41-45, M
We're social creatures, and tech has reduced the likelihood of forming real bonds instead of flitting impressions of connection.
I am sorry you are going through this. I’ve wrestled with this throughout my life. I don’t have a great social filter.
MrGoodbar · 51-55, M
losing friends through no fault of your own is tough at any age. I find that I don't make an effort anymore to find new ones
It’s not necessarily you. Having chemistry with friends, as we get older, just plain and simple, changes
funfan · 51-55, M
Awwwww 😞
"why the desire is instilled but it’s a difficult one to shake" kinda sums it up, doesn't it?
CoffeeBean · 31-35, F
I’ll chalk It up to technology being the cause of the downfall 👍🏻
CoffeeBean · 31-35, F
Did they express they were no longer interested in communicating or simply go silent?
Convivial · 26-30, F
Fair weather friends are just passing ships in the night...
I'm tired of feeling incredibly alone, as well. 🙁
Pretzel · 61-69, M
has it gotten better?
Losing friends can happen at any stage in life
Very soty to hear !

Randmly · 56-60, M
I want to be
Sjones13 · 41-45, M
Do your best to hang in there

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