Youni19 · 26-30, F
If you don't deserve to, then nobody deserves to
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BlueDiver · 41-45, M
I think that at the heart of it, what I want is to feel truly connected to someone or something, to the point where I instinctively create a meaningful part of my self-definition in direct conjunction with that person or thing. Some people take something like skateboarding and dive into it with a passion. Some people write. Some people climb mountains. And I don't mean people who dabble in it - I mean people who truly ARE mountain climbers, or truly ARE writers. It's a part of them in the same way that their foot is a part of them. They feel bound to it.
I have people in my life. I have interests and activities that take up a lot of my free time. But I don't really care about any of them. Not in the way that a mountain climber cares about mountain climbing. I'm not a part of the world, because I don't feel connected or bound to any part of the world.
"It's our connections to others that hold us in this world" - Connor McLeod
I have people in my life. I have interests and activities that take up a lot of my free time. But I don't really care about any of them. Not in the way that a mountain climber cares about mountain climbing. I'm not a part of the world, because I don't feel connected or bound to any part of the world.
"It's our connections to others that hold us in this world" - Connor McLeod
Youni19 · 26-30, F
I completely get what you're saying. And I think that's what life is about. Finding that purpose. Some people are born, knowing what they want to do, other's have to wait a while and some maybe never find it due to not searching long and hard enough.. I'm obviously no life expert but I think we just need to try more things, experience more, etc., you know? Don't you have a single thing you have interest in?
Like, art, astronomy, archeology, agriculture, business, travel, science, music, a sport? Anything at all? Think about it. If anything gets you even the least bit excited, then try it.. if not, pick one and try it anyway : D
Buy an instrument, buy a camera- learn photography, start an online business, start taking martial arts classes, buy some plants, whatever you have the slightest interest in
Like, art, astronomy, archeology, agriculture, business, travel, science, music, a sport? Anything at all? Think about it. If anything gets you even the least bit excited, then try it.. if not, pick one and try it anyway : D
Buy an instrument, buy a camera- learn photography, start an online business, start taking martial arts classes, buy some plants, whatever you have the slightest interest in
BlueDiver · 41-45, M
I did buy an instrument. Two of them in fact (bought one, borrowed one long-term). Spent hours and hours on them. I tried dedicating myself to a couple of online computer games, I tried taking up hiking - I must have spent a hundred hours on that one... but none of them ever felt anything but hollow. The problem isn't outside of me - it's inside of me. The inner-something that usually drives a person (and a heart) to connect with people and activities has been... twisted into a different, more limited directions for me. And the aversion and hatred that was supposed to be limited into a very narrow direction has been twisted out onto nearly everyone and everything.

:( I'm sorry you're feeling this way. I couldn't disagree more, my friend.

That's a morbid outlook in life. Self-help. Nobody can take your journey for you.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
This is not true...
BlueDiver · 41-45, M
Even someone like Hitler?
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@BlueDiver Hitler got his due justice. He is dead.
BlueDiver · 41-45, M
What I'm saying is that being human doesn't automatically mean that you deserve to be connected to the world or to other people.