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Do you ever get those moments where you're very motivated and inspired but the energy just isn't there?

I'm eager to do all this stuff and have a million ideas rn, but I'm just exhausted so I end up just sitting here and looking at my PC screen, lol
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CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Opposite. I finally have time and energy but no inspiration and idea whatsoever.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@Fishy I mean, I'm not completely opposed to the idea. I just want to know that I'm not spending half of my life learning to manually do something that can be done by generative art in seconds.
Fishy · 36-40, F
@CrazyMusicLover yeah same, lol
Fishy · 36-40, F
@CrazyMusicLover tbf tho,

There is somewhat of a market still out there.

There are a lot of people who oppose ai art,
So if you can prove that you're the one making it, then you might be able to gain a following just because you're a human who makes art from scratch.

On the downside, you will get people scrutinizing everything about your art and trying to point out that its ai even tho it's not 😂
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
Yup, that happens to me with music a lot. I have so many songs right now that are half written because I just keep running out of steam and words. 🤔
There's no such thing.
Well you certainly are motivated and inspired to sit at PC.

It's about the WILL, just get up and do what is required.
@Fishy for job career?

C and java are decades old, obsolete now..

If you really want to learn something more interesting and for career progression, start Learning cyber security. There's 100s free courses online and get the certification done.
Fishy · 36-40, F

Are they similar to the 100s of free courses about programming?

And don't you need to have a basic understanding in programming fundamentals to be able to do cyber security stuff?
@Fishy that much you'll understand when you learn from the courses
Lilnonames · F
I'm like that now

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