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How do you stop having negative thoughts?

I feel like it’s so much easier said than done. I actually have a nice life and a lot to be thankful for but some day I can be plagued with thought like no one likes you, people pretend to like you, your stupid, disgusting ugly etc. I can be too much of a perfectionist and am very self critical.
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Here, two of several (or many) ways.

The easiest is just to turn the mind to something more useful, a task that needs doing, a creative project, pleasant memories of time with someone one loves, a good book or film, taking the dog for a walk, hard physical exercise, etc.

A way that takes more effort but pays huge dividends.
!. a. Another is write about it. Keep writing til the thoughts are exhausted. read it back and see what the underlying emotion is. Name and write it down.
__b. Sometimes it helps to lie down and allow the breath to flow however it does. Is it shallow, fast, light, intermittent, staggered, deep, slow... etc? Observe the body: where does the weight touch? how do the clothes feel? How does the air feel against the skin? What feelings are within the body. Are the muscles tense? Are some parts aching or tight? Where exactly? -- All emotions are accompanied by feelings in the body. What you feel identifies the emotion.
Quite often the emotions drive the thoughts and vice versa, in a kind of increasing spiral. But every emotion will start with a trigger, a feeling that is either pleasant or unpleasant. The rest comes from the way we interpret the feel, what we think it means. The meaning or significance we give to something can be wrong, so if it's about something that someone else said or did (or didn't), so it's worth checking with them.
2. Look at what triggered the emotion. Was it just what did or didn't happen or what was said or not? Or do you remember similar emotions coming up wit intensity in response to a situation in your childhood, maybe one that happened many times; if so, then part of the energy comes from that time back then, not with whatever triggered the feeling in the present. Getting those too separate is important. It helps to get the present situation into a more accurate perspective.
3. Examine the need underneath the emotion. For instance, beneath anger there may be fear, pain, shame or any mix of these. Shame arises when we, perhaps unconsciously, feel we've made a mistake, behaved inappropriately, done something against our own values, or perhaps have caused harm. It can feel extremely uncomfortable, and the tendency is to try to avoid it by getting defensive, hence the anger. Pain, either physical or emotional, can make us short-tempered, more reactive, less able to self-soothe and cope with stress. Fear can cause us to react with anger to try to prevent something unwanted from occurring. So then look for the need in those feelings. The need in feeling shame might be to make reparations, fix something; in pain, to get rest and heal; in fear, to assert boundaries, change habits, improve a relationship, etc.
4. Knowing the need, look for practical solutions. If there seem to be none, think creatively. Sometimes the need might be as simple as self-forgiveness, compassion for oneself - maybe a hot shower, a bath or a cup of coffee and time alone -- or maybe the opposite. The need might be to set a time to talk with someone and resolve an issue.
It takes time to retrain your brain
Be patient with yourself..give yourself permission to have the negative thoughts then after 15 minutes try to focus on something else ..something positive..anything good or positive to distract your mind ...this takes time but it works ...
well, you can try and think differently about the world. Some people actually try to read books, and movies that influence them positively, Others open the door, and walk out into the world differently, seeking those people who will give them the kind of answers that soothe what sparked the question. And others believe that the world is not such a bad place, coz there is a higher power who is watching over all. Some call him God! And some believe that he knows every one of his creation by name!
Jstbanannas1991 · 31-35, F
@WhisperinAngelic101 Thankyou! I may have gotten into the habit of watching too much negative stuff on YouTube.
AstroZombie · 36-40, M
@Jstbanannas1991 time to switch to positive stuff on YouTube then.
Similarname · 46-50, M
Here’s some Biblical advice…

Philippians 4:6-8 (NASB1995):

6Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
8Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.
Pfuzylogic · M
You have been getting some excellent advice. I personally do my best to help the community by keeping it litter free. Connect with an activity that is a positive for everyone!
Heartlander · 80-89, M
Just a guess, but you may at times be focusing too much on what you think others think of you. Like you may be letting other people define who you are or are not. Not completely because you really never know what others may be thinking. We humans are all social animals and we need some of that but too much and it may overwhelm our self image or esteem. Too much of that and we are giving other people too much power over us, even if it's just imaginary.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Maybe it helps to know that just as genuinely you can like and care for others, others can like and care for you. It's human nature.
Try to redirect your thoughts when they become negative. It takes practice but it works. You just have to be mindful and really want it.
in10RjFox · M
Maybe you're thinking too high of yourself that you have achieved a lot and everything is good for you and many unexpected positive things happen for you etc. which also makes you to look at others in a condescending manner at times. This over time can give you such negative thoughts as to what would happen if things start to fall apart.

So control your pride and things will be okay.
well first thing, don’t stop them, they are telling your body something important.

emotions are temporary, they are messengers to get you to stop for a moment pay attention to your inner world, your inner child. even if u wanted, you can’t stop your emotions. the only thing you can do is to allow yourself to sit with your feelings when they come.

you have to breathe those feelings into your body and let your body physically feel and digest it. the next time you are sad or angry, try rubbing your stomach in slow circles, make sure you are wearing a shirt (doing it on just skin will be overwhelming at first) to help the energy move through you. it will feel sooo thick and heavy, but emotions always pass. always. they are not permanent.
Allelse · 36-40, M
Tell them to a good therapist.
Iwillwait · M
I have no idea. I fight this hourly.
akindheart · 61-69, F
replace them with good ones. when you get down on your life, don't focus on what you don't have, focus on what you do have. as for people, completely push out anyone who is not on your wavelength
Montanaman · M
Have a friend to talk to, vebt to, support each other. 👍🤗🤗
Negative thoughts are good once in a while, keeps you motivated
496sbc · 36-40, M
It’s impossible to stop having them. Believe me
Gardening should do it

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