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Thevy29 · 41-45, M
A number of machines and sciences we take for granted was engineered off of Star Trek gadgets.
A 'Replicator' could do what you suggest in theory. Although they weren't specific on whose doing the test. Scientists have created one. They managed to make a cup of water out of thin air. The water not a cup. The rub is the energy needed to create just that was too much to make it practical for every day use. One day maybe.
A 'Replicator' could do what you suggest in theory. Although they weren't specific on whose doing the test. Scientists have created one. They managed to make a cup of water out of thin air. The water not a cup. The rub is the energy needed to create just that was too much to make it practical for every day use. One day maybe.
fun4us2b · M
You have to have a device that would have access to all the needed materials in atomic form and somehow assemble them into the form that would make the things you wanted - lots of technologies that don't exist....
3D printers are arguably a step in that direction. So keep the faith we could get there. But considering how terrible some people are out there it may be a case of be careful what you wish for.
BridgeOvertroubledWaters · 61-69, M
3D printers are somewhere there I think
Jlhzfromep · M
Sounds like the matrix
So you are thinking on lines that this machine would not require any resource? and would create things out of thin air, like a magic?
SteelHands · 61-69, M
A machine that could make sandwiches cars and houses effortlessly couldn't create meaning, purpose and fulfillment.
It would probably destroy those things.
It would probably destroy those things.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
That idea would make for a good book and would show how things would go wrong as human nature gets involved. Like all positive ideas there will be a dark side.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
That would be way to dangerous, some would create evil things.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
@Subsumedpat Someone will try to use it to bring back Elvis
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
@Thevy29 That would be ok, I will watch.
salwa · F
@Subsumedpat in the same principle we shouldn't have invented knife cause many people were killed by knives
Ontheroad · M
It isn't I think, possible and I don't think, by in large, it would be good for humanity.
Richard65 · M
You'd only need one, then it could manufacture endless copies of itself.
Then what is the purpose of your existence?
salwa · F
@Royricky09 is the purpose of our existence is to work to get money to buy food and machines?
@salwa good question but wrong way of looking at life.
Try listening to 'sadhguru' once.... It'll help
Try listening to 'sadhguru' once.... It'll help
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
Even if we could, is it really a good idea?
salwa · F
@WintaTheAngle yes it would make earth like a heaven, imagine world without hunger, without needing to work to get what you look for, so far less crimes, this would end more than 90% of suffer happens on earth every second
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Because people are thinking with their pocketbooks instead of their brains. If humans stop creating then our sole unique trait will be lost and we will die.
Renaci · 36-40
You are thinking of a star trek replicator.