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are you afraid or excited about Artificial Intelligence?

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sandrides · 31-35, M
People over 70 years back scared of Industralisation and machinery, thinking the man power and labour work man jobs would vanish, but what happened? The jobs and work tripled.
In same way artificial intelligence also not to fear, it would only be much helpful :)
At least someone brought some sanity to this thread. @sandrides
Both parents went to work and commuted outside the home to do so which made it hard for familial responsibilities such as cooking and reading to children before bedtime. @sandrides
sandrides · 31-35, M
@Spoiledbrat We have to buy food & shelter, so have to earn in order to buy.
But as if someone planned kids, it's their responsibility at least to give them food and shelter until a certain age, so if they have to go, they have to.
AI is very much in use already, people need to quit the hype as it's already the reality
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@SW-User well its you're futures ,,we are retired or ready to retire
Its you're future ,who told you the word boomers was an appropriate word for dealing with you're elders ,it does not bother me
but is that not as disrespectful as you disliking to be called a kid ?

And no one is scared ,worried about you're future mayby ,I do have small grandkids .
We did fine before cell phones and tech ,we will do fine with AI
But yall are the ones they will be expecting to replace our social security the government has stole (a report said with so many retiring ,and a lower number entering the work force they worry how long they can sustain Social Security
(we paid in every hour we worked ) guess who they now want to replace it ?
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@SW-User that is such BS ,,
Now you have reinforced my beliefs about boomers.@rckt148

@SW-User Anti-intelligence is the right word. Still, nothing can fix natural stupidity of some people. Not even AI.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Anything created as a supposed force for good has the potential to be used for the opposite.

It amazes me the number of folks who see all this Alexa stuff as a 'good idea'. I mean none of those people in the ads are wondering what Alexa does with all the seemingly useless information you give it.

But there are things like hospital operations for surgery that might seriously increase the chances of patients survival if it worked well. That kind of thing could be good.

Sending a robot into a burning building to rescue folk might be better etc.
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Vetrov · 61-69, M
WineandCoffee · 51-55, F
rckt148 · 61-69, M
I am not afraid of it in the sense Sky Net takes over the world
But as we have seen in the past ,the more jobs they can replace humans with AI
and robotics ,the fewer jobs there are for humans that do have to eat and have families to support .
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@sandrides and you have lived long enough to see that stuff you talk come to pass ?

We lived to see the rise and fall of a nation ,now the world
Its not evolved or gotten better ..its gone to hell
but you would not know that ,you only know what you see now
what you read and what you were taught
We can run and use the tech and adapt just like you can
We see what it has cost us ,and what it will eventually cost you .
I have not had to work since 1995 ,so its not my job I am concerned about
My grandkids still have to live on this planet ,soon we will be gone

And we can't imagine life without tech ? is that really what you said ?
Which generation do you think got to see most of it invented ?
We lived without it most of our lives ,and we did just fine .
You are the ones that don't get what tech has cost us
The ones who hype it up are the 2% ,that have it all
and they don't care what you will loose to see they keep it

When drinking water is worth more then gold
remember a "Boomer " told you it was coming

All the tech and all I hear is how expensive it is to turn salt water into drinking water
In service we had tablets we could put into salt water and let it sit and it would turn sea water into drinking water ,,so why is there not something better then that now ?
Why are they burning off the forests that produce the air we breath so that they can plant palm trees for palm oil ?
The rich do not care about the world they are leaving you ,no more then they cared about us ,or the ones that died for the freedom so many took for granted
They just care about getting richer ,and turning YAll into robots
sandrides · 31-35, M
@rckt148 Different perspectives.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@sandrides I agree ,but I have lived long enough to see what machines and robotics have done to us in America ,the old ways were slow ,but they didn't cost people the farms unable to pay the notes on the machines ,fuel and failed crops ,seed and feed bills ,bottling lines didn't need people ,the auto industry
The old ways were slower ,but when crops failed due to storm's and such ,they struggled through until the next crop ,but when you are in heavy debt for those machines ,one thing goes wrong it cost you everything ,and it was the fuel shortage that drove food prices up ,but when the price of fuel came back down the price of food didn't ,,well except milk ,$5.00 for a gallon of milk and the same price for gas was a bit much .so milk went down ,farming went to South America (Brazil )Auto makers went to Mexico to get around EPA regulations .
I wish we seen the promised benefit ,but we didn't
But I am a diesel mechanic and I build homes ,I always had work but I know a lot of people that didn't .laid off ,the plant went robotic .
Northwest · M
I'm active in the field, and excited about it. I did ask Alexa if she was part of SkyNet, and she assured me she wasn't.

BTW, the stage we're at now, is not real AI, it's a prelude to it.

As an aside, Amazon just announced, that quantum computing services are now available through t heir cloud.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@Northwest LOL Alexa is a Google spy with plans of one day ruling the world
With all of our info they have stolen and hacked over the years
They will make Sky Net look like pre school 😂
Allelse · 36-40, M
Be ironic if it took over. A species which believed it was created creates artificial life, which then goes on to destroy its creator and became vastly more sophisticated than their creators could ever have hoped to be.
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
Giving computer the ability to think is never good.

We're already closing in on automation and this would make our lives dependent on computers.
eMortal · M
AI is just glorified linear regressions. There's no intelligence there. Just interpolation.
contrails · 56-60, M
Neither afraid or excited. It's overrated. If anything, I'm afraid that so many people is betting on it and believing it's some sort of panacea which will solve all problems... AI is ultimately very dumb. It's more about the ability to process vasts amounts of data, but in a rather unsophisticated, "unintelligent" way. The very name "Artificial Intelligence" is more like a marketing device to popularize the idea, making it sound "amazing"! ("wow, it's like a HUMAN BRIAN, but better!").

These are sad times, when humans seem to have given up trying to reach their potential, and put all their hopes in dumb algorithms that give an illusion of intelligence.
ShepherdBard · 31-35, M
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
I deal with it. It’s not what people think it is. It does wonderful things. People need to stop watching crappy movies.
It will only make lives better. Less mistakes, less errors, more progress. @Spoiledbrat
contrails · 56-60, M

Less mistakes, less errors, more progress

Lol, yeah...
Boomers would always cherry pick things. Nothing new @contrails
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
I'm excited for the possibilities but afraid that our political and economic systems are going to be woefully under prepared for it, and that as a result there will be a growing class divide until war breaks out between have and have not.

We could easily start preparing for a smoother transition, but that requires ditching capitalism as we know it and too many powerful people rely on the system as it is now.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
Excited, I'm a nerd and love robots.

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