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EPA Authorizes Release of 2 Billion More GMO Mosquitoes as Reports of Malaria Surface in States That Already Released Them

Locally acquired malaria has been nonexistent in the U.S. for the last 20 years. But five such cases have recently been diagnosed — four in Florida and one in Texas — the only two states that have released genetically engineered mosquitoes.

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WalterF · 70-79, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Message to Gates:

From dust you came; to dust you shall return.

But that's just your body.

Your eternal soul? Well that's another matter. You should be quaking in your boots, soaked in cold sweat in your nights.

Hell awaits.
Northwest · M
There were seven locally acquired cases of Plasmodium vivax malaria in Sarasota County, FL and one case in Cameron County, TX. There is no evidence to suggest that the cases in the two states are related.

There is no such thing as non-existent, but it's extremely rare.

The EPA released genetically-altered mosquitos, from Oxitec (British company), to make them dependent on the antibiotic tetracycline. Without tetracycline, mosquitoes will not develop into adulthood. They are also genetically altered, to favor the male DNA, so the offspring, will also be born with the same tetracycline dependency. Within a few generations (life cycle is 2 weeks), potentially, the disease carrying mosquitos will be wiped out, without having to resort to pesticides.

There is no causality between the release and the malaria cases.
Oster1 · M
The Zombies, have been unleashed and will defend their own destruction! Fact checker Scientists!
why on earth are we releasing more mosquitos to the environment. they don’t serve a purpose
@crownedwithlaurel97 The article mentions several possible purposes. Like mosquito control, for one.

There are multiple credible fact checking sites and news sources debunking this conspiracy theory.
@JonLosAngeles66 What exactly is conspiratorial about it? That really doesn't make sense as a response, does it? Either they have authorized the release of the mosquitoes or not. Either locally acquired malaria has been nonexistent in the U.S. for the last 20 years or not. And either five such cases have recently been diagnosed — four in Florida and one in Texas — the only two states that have released genetically engineered mosquitoes or not. Where's the conspiracy?
HannahSky · F
We need a conspiracy theory report option.
@HannahSky Or perhaps develop some capacity for logical thought.
HannahSky · F
@AkioTsukino you should, correct
correlation is not causality
Oster1 · M
Why would someone downvote this? 🤔
Why would someone downvote this? 🤔

Oh, I don't know, why not?

My guess would be it presents some threat to a very unscientific ideological fixation with science or some financial or sociopolitical incentive thereof. Though, that guess seems to me to be giving the objectors the benefit of the doubt. Overestimating their intelligence. They've probably been indoctrinated and are merely exhibiting the usual narcissitic behavior of the overeducated idiot. Pull their string and see, I suppose.
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@BlueGreenGrey With some people it's like they have a string on their neck that if you pull they will repeat the same thing. No explanation, no reasoning, no data, no real response. Just an answer they repeat as if by rote to any subject that - apparently - must have some substance or else there would be an actual response. Ironically you could attribute this phenomenon as conspiratorial but I just think it's stupidity.
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@BlueGreenGrey Let's test that. How have I described myself?
Because Kennedy, Jr. is the head of this organization, I am going to have to say that this article is suspiciously not very credible.

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