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English kids react to my American child 😆

I thought that putting my very American little girl in school as soon as we moved to the UK would be a bad idea… she’d be starting right at the end of their school year, she would be the strange foreigner, her school year would be 2 months longer since she already finished school in the US… the list goes on!

I wanted the summer to get her settled in and rested ready for the new school year.

She had other ideas….

She said she had to go to school to make friends before the summer vacation, and she was SO excited to wear a uniform 😂 So I sent her for a trial day, just to meet everyone and see how she felt. She LOVED it. She thinks UK schools are ‘the best’. Lol. So she started officially that same week. It turns out that she isn’t considered strange, but ‘exotic’, and has more friends than she can remember names right now.

Every other day there’s a new playdate invite, and it seems a lot of kids here have summer parties? Not birthday parties, just random parties. She’s been invited to about 7 different ones so far. They are mostly ‘garden parties’ but one girl is having a horse riding party seemingly for no reason….
I’m wondering if I need to throw one for her so she isn’t the odd one out.

She came home saying her friends want to see photos of Florida and don’t believe we have alligators there 😂

Half the kids seem to think she lived at Disney and have asked ME at the school gates why we would move from there 😂

She thinks it’s amazing, but I’m waiting for her to come home fed up with all the attention.
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Has she been invited to any little tea parties yet?
Raffiki · 22-25, F
@cherokeepatti Nope but she had a tea party at school for the Platinum Jubilee and loved it! They all went dressed as princes and princesses. Best day ever apparently!
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Welcome back both of you 🙂 Glad the little one has settled in so well. The timing seems ideal and she'll be a firm favourite by the time school starts again in September 🤗

I'm very jealous about the packed party schedule 😊
Raffiki · 22-25, F
@SunshineGirl Thank you!

Lol, me too 😂 I need to make friends and get some party invites.
Poppies · 61-69, F
Good for her!
Abstraction · 61-69, M
I was the 11 turning 12 year old Aussie kid in junior high school in Syracuse NY. I was exotic. 'Talk some more!' It was very cool.
@Abstraction I know they they loved your accent as well.
Abstraction · 61-69, M
@NoGamesTolerated They did. I always loved the American accent and I went home with one after being there a year. I didn't realise until I got back. And things like tie died bell-bottomed jeans and had grown my hair long before the rural area in my town thought that was acceptable.
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4meAndyou · F
THAT is truly wonderful. I'm so glad for the both of you!
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
This warms my heart thanks for posting.
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
So that's where y'all have been. I've missed your updates about the adventures you & your mini-me were having. Very good, carry on. 😁
Raffiki · 22-25, F
@ineedadrink Yeah… very very busy 😁
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
@Raffiki I've made that jump in reverse. I'm very happy to hear she's having a much better time of it all than I did, that's wonderful.
Raffiki · 22-25, F
@ineedadrink Aww. Yes, it’s doing wonders for her. She needed a change. Way too much trauma and stress for her back home. And for me! I’d 100% be homeschooling her this year if we were still in the US.
☺️ That's adorable. Happy to know she's been well received in her new home.
Sounds like she is having the time of her life! Great
This is precious.
BabyLonia · F
That is really heartening.

We tend to only have parties on birthdays or halloween so this is news to me. Maybe things changed after the pandemic and people are trying to fit more in. There is no harm in her throwing a little get together so she can bond with some of the kids .... just remember it is all about the party bag !
Raffiki · 22-25, F
@BabyLonia I thought it could be that. I’m just surprised how many do it, she’s had invites from half the class and there’s still 6 weeks of the semester left. I better get party organising 😂
ArtieKat · M
@Raffiki Something that "Mom" will have to get used to is that English schools have 3 terms a year, not semesters! 🤣
Raffiki · 22-25, F
@ArtieKat I’m getting there with reverting back to English English 😜😂
lol Good for her!
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
Haha yeah whenever I hear American accents here I immedietly wanna go and talk to them
RosaMarie · 41-45, F
How long did it take her to learn the language? 😁😁😁😁
Raffiki · 22-25, F
@RosaMarie 😂😂😂 She is trying hard to learn ‘real’ English whilst teaching her friends American words… their teacher informs me that half her students call it ‘the trash’ now, instead of the bin, and all think it’s hilarious!
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
Well good for her!

How are you adjusting? Do people find you exotic too? :)
@ServantOfTheGoddess I’m sure Americans loved her accent…
Raffiki · 22-25, F
@ServantOfTheGoddess I’m from here originally, and most people I’ve spent time with have been relatives or old family friends. So I’m not really exotic 😊 It’s just coming home for me —glorious and long overdue. Getting to show my kiddo around and see her experience my childhood is the best part.
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
@Raffiki oh that's wonderful!
Chickie · F
Hahah, this is so cute!

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