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Whats was your favourite activity to do in PE?

And what was your PE kit?
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GentleLucille · 26-30, F
Gymnastics and dance. Girls could wear T-shirt and shorts or a leotard. Our feet had to be bare.
Ross19 · 31-35, M
@onewithshoes Worth going barefoot yourself though to see them? Was it just indoor PE or outdoor too
onewithshoes · 22-25, F
@Ross19 Indoor and outdoor.
Ross19 · 31-35, M
@onewithshoes Same for us although it was boys barefoot outdoors girls optional, seemed an even mix of barefoot and shod. I preferred being barefoot anyway. Especially the cross country
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SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@SW-User That sounds great fun 🙂
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ArishMell · 70-79, M
@SW-User That, or at least the crab-walking, was one of our games, too, occasionally.

The First and Second Years of my upper school were in rather strange old building with limited facilities, and sometimes the PE teacher would make us finish the lesson by crab-walking from the Assembly Hall used in lieu of a non-existent gym, down the corridor to the changing-room about 10 yards away.
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
I enjoyed basket ball , baseball , gym , basically most things .
PE kit was nude most of the time . If it was cold we were allowed shorts and T shirt but that wasnt very often as in winter most PE was done in the gym . Our master told us if we were doing PE properly we would soon warm up .
trackboy · 26-30, M
@Rhode57 awesome you enjoyed basketball and baseball and pe. how was it playing basketball with all the running and jumping"? was it hard on your balls? they told us we needed a jock to protect our balls from damage when bouncing when we were running and jumping. I would have enjoyed doing gym naked.
Rounders or something where I didn't have to do much and could fade into the background.

Our kit was either black tracksuit trousers or skirt with a white polo top and plain blue jumper
Ross19 · 31-35, M
@Tinkles Rounders on the playing fields on a summer day was always fun
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
Basketball, touch football ,baseball basically anything fun .In summer it was nude in winter shorts and t shirt unless the master deemed it warm enough to be nude .We were often told if we kept moving we would warm up so had no one to blame but ourselves if we got cold .
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
@Ross19 Yer not alot of guys liked school but we respected or maybe more feared the masters as the cane was used liberally not many boys managed to avoid for more than a week at a time .
Ross19 · 31-35, M
@Rhode57 Ive never been caned but i think i can imagine it wouldn't have been too pleasant. Id have just gotten along with the rules too even if that did mean running nude or staying nude in the dorms
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Kbear · F
Parachute game
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@Kbear I used to love that too 🙂
Ross19 · 31-35, M
@Kbear Ah yeah i remember the parachute. Did that in summer club during the school holidays
Pirates or murder ball, both when the weather was too bad to go outside.

Pirates was a sort of off ground tick game, using all the gym equipment.

Murder ball was two teams trying to get a medicine ball to the other end of the gym, no other rules.
@SunshineGirl Sounds very similar to Pirates. It got banned after one boy climbed up a rope into the rafters of the gym. He stayed there all lesson and won the game. Unfortunately, he fell on the way down and broke his arm.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@SW-User Oh no, that is really unfortunate 😕 I once climbed to the top of a rope and was too scared to remember how to get down again 🙈
@SunshineGirl I could never climb them
itsok · 31-35, F
So I would’ve much rather just sat on the bleachers, but I never lost a round of steal the bacon. I wasn’t particularly fast, I think people were just scared of me.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@itsok How do you play the bacon game?
itsok · 31-35, F
@SunshineGirl all players would be separated into two teams, and lined up facing each other. A piece of “bacon” (in our case a brown paper towel schools always have) was laid in the middle of two competing players. Both players would try to run and steal the bacon without being tagged by the other player.
Hayleywg · 51-55, F
Gymnastics, burgundy leotard, bare feet.
lizzielost · F
Gymnastics, netball, dance. We wore bottle green gym knickers and white vests.
trackboy · 26-30, M
@lizzielost you had gymnastics in high school?? no high school here has a gymnastics team. 🍪
Ross19 · 31-35, M
@lizzielost Ha probably gymnastics and dance were my least favourite
Lacemaker · 41-45, F
I loved Pirates and King Ball
trackboy · 26-30, M
I loved weightlifting in the weight room at school in pe. also loved showing the other boys how to wrestle in PE since I was on the school wrestling team the teacher always had me help him teach the other boys how to wrestle. 🤼
Lanyx · 41-45, M
Sitting it out.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Ping pong or badminton with friends with no supervision, therefore no rules...
chrisCA · M
Gym shorts, tshirt, and runners.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Gymnastics 🤸‍♀️ We had purple leotards 😁
Ross19 · 31-35, M
@SunshineGirl Sounds good
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@Ross19 I was so proud of my leotard when I first started school. Used to wear it as casual clothing at the weekend 😆
Ross19 · 31-35, M
@SunshineGirl Oh wow! Haha 😄
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
Forging a not saying I'm excused from any physical activity for the day
Ross19 · 31-35, M
@SkeetSkeet Haha oh no!
I liked that thing with the parachute. Not sure if every school did it or not. I also like playing floor hockey and basketball (though I sucked at both) and I HATED the days the teacher decided to treat us to a day of dancing!
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@istillhaveanameitsrick I loved dance, but imagine it must have been hell for the boys 😆
@SunshineGirl It was extremely difficult for boys like me who were introverts and I was (still am) terrified of girls/women.
empanadas · 31-35, M
Dodgeball, I was good at dodging balls and hitting people with it

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