I'm not the right guy to ask. Granted we had know each other as friends for 14 years, but only been dating for a month when I said "are we getting married this weekend or next?" She said "I have that big catering job next weekend, and you have that work-related dinner. Let me change." We were married in Reno the next day. We were married 43 years before I lost her to cancer.
Now you have to understand, in addition to having known each other our parents--particularly our fathers--were best friends. And we had discussed if our dating led to anything, neither of us wanted the overblown, full gala event they would make out of it. So we were both already thinking on the elopement vs. destination wedding track (although the latter didn't even exist then).
Point is, only you know. It is all subjective and best guess. Only advice: don't pop the question in a public situation that sort of boxes her into an either/or choice. Do it in private where she can say I need a little more time without feeling she is being pressured.