Do you need an iPhone for an Apple watch ?My girlfriend got a smart watch for Christmas she wants to upgrade to an Apple watch next year or in a couple years. She doesn't use iPhone she can't afford one she uses Motorola she has an iPod. She wants to know if you need an iPhone for a watch ?
Is this too soon ?I was wanting to propose to my girlfriend on Christmas Eve we been together for a year I really love and care about her she's pretty much my soulmate. Next month is our one year anniversary I'm worried it might be too soon.
What's wrong with my girlfriend ?I noticed that my girlfriend had been acting strange lately she was upset yesterday today she seems to panic a little she was crying off and on almost all day we went out on our date yesterday she didn't wanna go in the store she wanted to sit in the... See More »
Do you need a passcode on your Motorola phone ?Me and my girlfriend both have the Motorola phone she has a passcode on hers I keep one on my iPod not my phone hardly. Is a passcode required for Motorola or Samsung ?