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do you think trump supporters have ever read the bible?

they all claim to be christian but most ,i doubt know the lords prayer,
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Sharon · F
Hardly any christians have read the bible. Christians who read the bible often become Atheists as a result.
LesDawsonsPiano · 70-79
@Sharon I think that many have certainly read - time and time again - particular sections of the Bible. This after being told by the previously "converted" exactly what they mean, thus how to interpret them. They never get beyond this. For them the Bible speaks for itself and is "quite plain" in its message. They then presume/proclaim that their own understanding/interpretation is "guided by the spirit of all truth" promised to "those who believe".

Therefore, in effect, they have NEVER read the Bible with a mind/heart open to the Living Word of God.
Sharon · F
@LesDawsonsPiano There is no "living word of god". The bible is just a poorly assembled collection of myths and superstitions.
LesDawsonsPiano · 70-79
@Sharon As a non-dual Buddhist, I just try to use Christian-speak. For me all Reality is the Living Word and therefore can be found anywhere and in anything. Thus, in the Bible.
LesDawsonsPiano · 70-79
Have they read:-

Matthew 25:31-40: Jesus says, "I was a stranger and you welcomed me" and "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me".

Hebrews 13:2: "Be sure to welcome strangers into your home".

Exodus 23:9: "Do not oppress a foreigner; you yourselves know how it feels to be foreigners because you were foreigners in Egypt".

Leviticus 19:34: "The stranger who dwells among you must be treated as your native-born".

Luke 10: The Parable of the Good Samaritan: Jesus' followers are taught to show love and grace to the "other".

1 Peter 2:11: Christians are taught to see themselves as "foreigners and exiles".

Sad really, isn't it? Not one for "holy" books myself. All Reality is "revelation".
Morvoren · F
They might have ate a few pages out of it maybe, but read it? No.
Morvoren · F
@Thrust I think you need to stop using words you only know the partial meaning of.
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I don’t think Trump has read the bible.
@BlueSkyKing i dont think hes ever read a book
LesDawsonsPiano · 70-79
@jefferson Can he read?
LesDawsonsPiano · 70-79
It's the same old story. Various stats "reveal" that a high percentage of Americans believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and also reveal that a high percentage of Americans can't answer the simplest question about it.
TiFOgsP69 · 46-50, M
Don't tell me you think harris is a better choice? I cannot comprehend how any average citizen want her or any liberal democrap in office anywhere. Too bad her and ol' chomo joe sent all the tax payers $ to the unknown there's none to help the victims of the hurricanes. I don't get it, must like paying double and it was only going up in price! Trump is our only hope man!!!
@TiFOgsP69 its so funny that peoplereply in a crazy way'democrap' , the word democracy, is the usa govt, and yet democrat is bad word,so funny
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
@OriginalDumbMan at least you named yourself correctly.
OriginalDumbMan · 36-40
@luckranger71 hope you like it.
Fa8393 · 41-45, M
I grew up in a Christian home and I did read the bible a few times . The old testament is before christ came and the new testament is when he was born . Christ came to teach the new law not the old law .
Yeah, ofcourse there are Christian Trump supporters.

It's just Donald Trump isn't a Christian.

Well, Chris Hedges did a deep dive into the American evangelical right wing and found most have merely memorized the same few passages that they can use to justify their particular brand of bigotry but shit their pants when they meet an ordained minister like himself who has actually studied the bible in detail.
They all claim that do they?
You met them all?

You’re just upset there’s more disenfranchised Libs and repubs then there are still that vote for the uniparty… such as yourself
RedBaron · M
They don’t all claim to be Christian because they aren’t all Christians.

For example, Jews who support Trump definitely have not read the Christian bible.

LGBT Trump supporters might or might not have.

Why is that important to you and why do you assume all people who support a particular candidate are alike?
22Michelle · 61-69, T
Given most follow the Old Testament they aren't actually christians.
@22Michelle And only the bits of the Old Testament that allows them to lash out at others.
Andrew7Jackson · 61-69, M
Probably can't read.
Ramon67 · 61-69, M
To be honest you could say that about both the republican and Democratic Party .
LesDawsonsPiano · 70-79
My own apprehension of Christianity revolves around the great mystics of the Faith (Eckhart, St John of the Cross et al) the writings of many of the early Church Fathers, the writings of Thomas Merton, and various books of theology that tend to speak of the Universal Christ.

In that context, it doesn't really matter if the "trump supporters" have read the Bible or not. Their "christianity" is - through my own eyes - a modernist perversion of a great Faith.
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@CountScrofula The subject of abortion immediately comes to mind.
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
Knowing many, I would say most but not all have
72 million people voted for him and you say they all say they are Christians? Are you sure about that or are you just stereotyping?
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