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A lot of religious types in America, how come they couldn't pray the hurricane away?

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A recited incantation designed to force or cajole a deity or deities into changing the normal, existing, or probable course of events in the universe, obtain an advantage, or avoid a divine penalty. Also an expression of gratitude or adulation, or an affirmation of continual fear, made to a deity.

A prayer is often accompanied by a promise or a sacrifice (the firstborn, money, giving up a favorite vice, not lying, a select bit of food the priests can eat) to seal or satisfy the agreement. A spell.
Allelse · 36-40, M
@BlueSkyKing There was that Catharginian deity that liked sacrificed babies, and I dunno if they ever had a hurricane.
Sharon · F
@BlueSkyKing Prayer is asking "God" to change it's "perfect plan" just to suit one's personal wishes. Isn't it rather arrogant to presume one knows better than "God"?
SparkleLeaf · 51-55, T
Somehow the sin of one guy thousands of years ago caused not only for the ground to be cursed and produce thorns and thistles (at least the Bible actually says that part) but also caused the animals to begin to eat each-other and natural disasters to occur. All things are possible with God, therefore he can't do anything about natural disasters because they are caused by our sins. It makes sense if you don't think about it.
Allelse · 36-40, M
@SparkleLeaf All of which this god knew was going to happen before hand.
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Some of the religious persuasion try to tell us these events of nature is "god" venting its anger on the very people it"created".
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Anthropomorphic visions of God makes one imagine it as having feelings and able to be a micromanager. In reality, whatever field initiated this universe is in my opinion just curious about life and does not interfere magically with it regardless of the level of cruelty being demonstrated but nature or other life forms upon each other. You are seeing the world through God's eyes and you can control what you can by your words and actions.
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Allelse · 36-40, M
@jshm2 So we agree that prayer doesn't work.
Adstar · 56-60, M
Well i can only talk for myself and not being an american also.. But nowhere in the Bible does it say that we can pray for disasters to cease on earth.. We can pray for protection through a disaster but actually praying for disasters never to happen.. Nope thats not in the Word of God..
jehova · 31-35, M
I know right 😜
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