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Is Muslim religion even a religion or has it been evolved from The Bible itself?

Like those who could not feel that God is merciful, who did not believe in Christ formed another group and made laws, a few taken from Torah and largely according to their own personal will
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Islam is since the first man Adam.

All prophets and messengers believe god in One God, Allah, though they were from different countries, sent to different nations, with different rules and scriptures, in different languages, but the one common point was Tawheed (Oneness in Lordship)

Islam is the religion like no other.
The Things the Quran has, the bible doesn't.
Though it is more the book of signs instead of science, it has scientific sings too.

It mentions the universe is expanding.
It meantions how the human body is formed before birth, in detail.
It mentiomes that everything in this universe in in an orbit.

How did Muhammed take.it from the bible, is this all mentioned?
How could Muhammed have known all this on his own, using no modern day inventions and when he couldn't even read or write, it is purely the revelation from Allah.

The thing is we believe all the scriptures were sent by God, but then they didn't remain reliable bcz people edited it, changed them, and made it all like a mixture. So god sent Quran as the final last book which yes confirms all the previous scriptures, but tells us that they are now no more word of god.

And Muslim religion has a name.
Its Islam.
@Peterthe1 Truer words were never spoken. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👏👏👏👏👏
@hippyjoe1955 Question. Do you think that just like we call our Creator "God", don't they mean the same thing, only call Him, "Allah"? I mean I know they have 90 million gods that they worship, but what about Allah, as the main god? I'm a little confused on that.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@LadyGrace The word god is a name of a category not an individual. I don't call my dog 'the dog'. I may refer to the four legged friend as 'the dog' to keep people informed as to what I am talking about. Just for example. If I was talking to a stranger about Ralph without them knowing that Ralph is a dog they would be confused. So I might well tell them that my dog ate my lunch or the dog herds sheep. But that tells the stranger a thing about the dog. Is it a huge Great Dane or a Tea Cup Chihuahua? If you hadn't met the dog you have no idea of what the dog is beyond it is a dog. So If I refer to the god you have no idea what god I am talking about. Is it an idol? Is it something silly like money? Is it the Great Spirit that the native ancestors believed in? No way to know is there. Some one is talking about a god. He calls it 'the god' but I can't relate to it. If you name the god there can no be confusion. Moloch, Eros, Mars, Thor, Ishtar etc all fit the category covered by the words 'the god'. Notice how your mind automatically associated the attributes of each god I named? The same is true of YAHWEH. The GREAT I AM is unique among the gods. His Attributes are known throughout the world. allah won't/can't even be defined by muslims. The worship of allah is no different than worshipping an inanimate object say a stone or the moon. You can make it into whatever you want.
Bible readers know much of the Bible is written in the genre of history, that is, historical narratives. Starting with Genesis and going all the way through to Esther, it is a (basically) continuous historical story. That is roughly half of the Old Testament. Although we sometimes think of Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy as the books of the Law of Moses, you will notice that the Law is actually recorded in history books, and it is related to us as readers as Moses tells the history of Israel. Furthermore, if you read the books of the prophets, you will of course see the record of the preaching they did in their day. But if you look more closely, you will find that the books of the prophets are very much like historical narratives themselves, and even more, the prophets often recalled the history of Israel and commented on the significance of that history. As the prophets were actually the true interpreters of Israel’s history. The result is that most of the Old Testament is written as history of one kind or another.

A similar phenomenon confronts us when we turn to the New Testament. Up front we get four accounts of the life of Christ – biographies, if you will, which are specialized forms of historical narratives. Then we get the book of Acts – the history of the earliest Christians. Again, about half the New Testament is written explicitly as history. The rest of the New Testament is made up of a collection of letters written by apostles and other early Christians. Although these are not written as historical accounts, they certainly give us “snapshots” of various “moments” in the lives of churches in the first century. So again, history dominates the collection.

I believe it is common that many people think of “doctrine” first when they think of the Bible. For many people, the Bible is a book that tells us religious truths. While that is true, it would be inaccurate to think of the Bible as if it were simply a digest or collection of religious doctrines (like some kind of ancient doctrinal encyclopedia). The fact is that the Bible is mostly history, and the doctrinal truths revealed in the Bible are presented as parts of the history.

What’s so important about history that God, in his providence, filled his book with it? While there are many facets to this question, let’s focus on one of them: history provides a people with a definition and an identity. That is one of its primary purposes, and this has been true ever since history began to be written. From ancient times until today, we write histories as an expression of who we are. Where we came from, where our ancestors came from, what they did, the struggles they endured, the victories they won – all of these things give us a sense of who we are.
Peterthe1 · 36-40, M
@LadyGrace Our Bible connects us to the Lord, our God. It is about spiritual well being of a person as the theme on the pillars of History and Geography.
@Peterthe1 Correction? I saw nothing wrong in your post.
@REMsleep Abraham was a historical person as recorded in the Book of Genesis chapter 11 to 25. The gravesite of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their wives is recorded in Genesis chapter 49 verses 29 to 32, and is located in Hebron and has been known and is attested to for many centuries. He is revered by Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The Jewish people have attested to existence for 3800 years, and his name is mentioned by several ancient non-jewish historians as far back as 2300 years ago. These include Berosis, Alexander Polyhistor, Melo, Artapanus, Hecateus, and Nicholas Damascenus.

Moses was a historical person this Jewish tradition has been handed down for over 3,300 years by the entire Jewish nation and accepted by Christians and Muslims as well. Moses is mentioned many times in the Torah and Rabbinic literature. He is also mentioned by ancient non-jewish writers going back over 2300 years, including Hecataeus, Strabo, and others I have mentioned above. Non-religious ancient Jewish sources mention him to, such as Artapanus, Eupolomus, Josephus and Philo.

"Although critics contended that the Hebrew Bible is untrustworthy, time and time again, the archaeological record supports places, times, and events mentioned in Scripture." ( professor John Arthur Thompson, the Bible and Archeology) Jewish tradition of Hebrew descent, requires there to have been an Abraham and a Moses to lead the Hebrew people out of Egypt.
The world of archeology does not accept the tomb of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob as containing the real people

I disagree. What makes you say that?
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@LadyGrace I have read what I could today and I can't find any credible source from any archeologist nor historian Jew nor Gentile that had published in secular literature that they believe the Cave of the Patriarchs Tomb is the authentic burial place of the Abrahamic faith's patriarchs. Again I am speaking purely from a secular perspective. They do not believe that this burial place is from the actual early patriarchal Jews meantioned in the Bible.
In fact I have read today that most historians belive Abraham, Issac, and Jacob to be mostly fictional accounts of several men lumped into one namesake or perhaps totally fictional.
I do understand that the site has been considered holy since nearly the beginning and I am very interested to learn more.
I am a Christian so these are not my views but I am capable of reading as a secular person would to understand how or why they might see something as "unproven".
So that why I said what you asked about in my quote.
@REMsleep Oh my! If they don't believe that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were real people, I certainly wouldn't listen to that source. Abraham is spoken of in God's Word in so many places. I think many places claim to be the real deal or appear to be but we really have to check them out thoroughly. What is the link to that website, honey?
helenS · 36-40, F
Islam is probably a sideline of Christianity, evolved from Christian circles who did not accept the Trinity dogma of the Nicaean council (or were unaware of it).
The "early history" of Islam as told by Muslims is most likely a typical religious founding myth, a construction that was setup much later. Chances are that Muhammad (which simply means "the praiseworthy one") never existed as a historical person. At least there are no reliable contemporary sources which might prove the existence of that person.
The following figures most likely never existed – they are just the embodiment of a founding narrative:
Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad.
Not sure about Buddha; Laozi is entirely legendary; there was never a historical Laozi.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@helenS Yes the Bible should not be discredited as a reliable source regarding the existence of Jesus.
All of those men who wrote in the New Testament have been historically verified. They travelled, started churches, wrote letters. They each recounted from their own words various moments in the life of Jesus. Some had followers to write for them some of which also saw some of these events.
Archeology has proven various events that correlate with the events described during the life of Jesus in the Bible such as the fact that Pontius Pilate was the governor of Judea during the year of Christ's death.

Roman historian Tacitus wrote unfavorably about Jesus and his legacy (followers) roughly 80 years after his death, confirming how he died and who sentenced him to death. By the time Tacitus wrote this he would have had many years to gather info. He was not a Christian and was widy known to be creditable.
This is very rare to have anyone write on a historical figure from the time of Jesus who was not a King or Ruler. There is very little evidence for anyone from that time period so comparatively we has alot of evidence regarding the existence of Jesus Christ.
helenS · 36-40, F
@REMsleep Thank you. I'm glad you answered. 🌷
In my opinion, the Gospels are a beautiful (and touching!) documentation of early Christian belief; they are religious, not historical documents. Their authors are unknown. I hold the Gospels in high regard (especially John, despite his apparent anti-Semitism), but not as reliable historical sources.
Tacitus' report is mere hear-say. How could he know? People must have told him that the Christians believe in a certain "Chrestos" (sic!).
Really it's so easy to see that the Gospels are not historical records, you just have to take off your religious glasses. 😎
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@helenS Notice that I did not say that The Bible was a historical book because it is not and this is not its purpose. In fact I believe that there is a clear message in The Bible that the texts are for the glory of God and for our instruction and not to use the text as a science or history book.
Now with that said it does contains some history by default and as I said before there is too much confirmed history which is written in the Gospels that has been verified by archeology or secular history.
Some authors of the New Testament are unknown but since the beginning we have known them by what they said and what they said that they witnessesd and what they emphasized when they wrote. We know who the Apostles were and we have some evidence of their existence which again is very rare as these were ancient poor people.as for Tacitus he is widely regarded as one of the great
Roman historians by modern day historians.
You dismissing his thouroughly researched accounts and life's work as hearsy is a bit arrogant.
Tacitus was also a Roman senator and a lawyer who had spent his life serving all around the area where Jesus's apostles were teaching so he would have seen alot regarding the rising of the early church in his lifetime.
So. Moving on. Next he says we don't need religious scholars to teach us the gospel. So now are you going to stand outside all the churches and protest for all the priests to step down? If what he says is the exact proof. This is what he believes in. We don't need scholars to teach us the gospel.

Whatever God says in His Word we can count as the truth. Religion is just man-made philosophy. God is against religious teachers yes. He even scolded them in the temple. They were gambling in the temple. Their "religion" is empty without Christ as the center.

Religion didn't die on the cross for our sins. Jesus did. And there are sincere men of God that have been led by God to be ministers of the Word. God knows the fake ones by their words and actions. The religious teachers were the ones that treat religion as a business to haul in money. Jesus warned us to stay away from them in His Word. The ministers who truly have been called by God to preach, are a blessing to Him and He says not to forsake ourselves from assembling together in the church. As that is where we get our spiritual food and also from praying and reading the Word of God.
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
@Peterthe1 I literally copy pasted what other people said. But with Christianity at its centre. And the 3rd one explaining why I copy pasted 2 comments. But nope. It's only bombardment if it's against your belief, not if it's against Judaism or Islam. Okay. Understood.
@assemblingaknob If you believe the Torah is the word of God that's fine, I have absolutely no problem with that. You asked me questions and I answered every one of them so let's move on. You sure had no problem criticizing my beliefs though, did you. I didn't criticize yours. And I never once said you had to believe like I do and don't say I insinuated it because that is an outright lie.
@assemblingaknob One last thing. Jesus did die on the cross and there were over 500 people that witnessed it. They were not all delusional.
They have their own book which of course is the Quran. Their book is completely different than our Bible. They say it is not but I'm sorry to say it is. Many things in their book, and I respect their beliefs, that's up to them, but the things in the Quran do not match with God's Word.
JohnnySpot · 56-60, M
Each of us must make himself worthy of the gift his Father gave him.
Even Muslims believe Jesus was real.
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
Sorry for that. My point is we can all copy paste and say the same thing about any religion based on our personal beliefs and sound strongly opinionated based on confidently stated "facts" that we understand/believe to be true. But in fact none of us here on sw are theological scholars so it's all a wild goose chase on here because you won't get any sound sources in anything. There are some well researched unbiased theological scholarships in the form of books, and documentaries on youtube that cite their sources in the description, so those are better places to gain more knowledge on the historical background of different religions.
@assemblingaknob Usually when there is a troll in the crowd, they start switching things around like you are, and diverting the subject, because they can't answer my questions. I'm on to you. Quite the contrary, it is you who could not answer my questions. I don't know how many times I have to say it and if you don't believe it frankly I don't care but don't put words in my mouth. Last time. I take all my information from God's Holy Word. I SHARE what God's Word says. His opinion, His facts, and His proof. His facts. Only God is superior.

What you call shoving down your throat is what I call sharing God's Word, which is what God told His followers to do, so take it up with Him if you disagree. It is odd that any one of us on SW can post anything they want, including the filthiest words and photos, and no one says a thing, yet let those of us, who love the Lord, come here and share our beliefs and opinions and all of a sudden we're shoving things down people's throat. Just so you know, we are entitled to post anything we like on here, the same as everyone else, without all the harassment and false accusations. People of all faiths also post here in case you don't know. I don't have any problem with that and neither do many others. So if you can come on here and post as you like, I have the same freedom. Nobody said you had to believe like I do. Many don't and that's perfectly fine with me. Nobody is forcing you to read my posts or Jonathan's. But you really need to stop being so prejudiced. If you don't like what any of us post, you're free to move on, it won't bother us a bit. But you really need to learn how to treat others as you would like them to treat you. Now go find someone else to harass. This conversation is closed. I have more constructive things to do with my life than to answer trolls.
@assemblingaknob We don't need Middle Men when God's Word says

Peterthe1 · 36-40, M
@assemblingaknob The point is I openly came up as Christian and you, after several of your comments are telling me not to guess your religion means you are being or trying to be clever in here. We practice simple life and don't deceive anyone in our consciousness.
@JohnnySpot. John, what do you mean when you said:

Each of us must make himself worthy of the gift his Father gave him.
JohnnySpot · 56-60, M
@LadyGrace There was a large and precious ruby that had wonderful power. Whoever held it close to his heart found that his life was blessed with kindness and understanding. It was owned by a jeweler who cut and polished it so perfectly that everyone was astonished by its beauty. The jeweler had three grown sons. Each one wanted the ruby more than anything else.
The time came for the Jeweler to go on a long journey. Each son begged for the jewel.
As he was about to leave, the jeweler met with each son separately. He gave each one a ruby, saying, " this is for you and for you alone. " when he was gone, the three sons were surprised to see that the three rubies looked identical. They said," Our Father must have owned two other rubies. He has cut and polished them to look exactly like the true one."
Each son claimed that he had the true jewel and that the other Jewels were false. They argued and accused each other of lies and trickery. Finally they went to a judge and told him the whole story.
The judge studied all three rubies, but he could not see a single important difference. Finally he said, " I cannot tell you. Only your father knows the answer." The sons were deeply distressed they were about to leave when the judge spoke again. "I can tell you how to prove that your jewel is not the false one. "
"Tell us!" they begged.
He told them, " Whoever holds the true jewel close to his heart finds that his life is blessed with kindness and understanding. Live your life in such a way that you always act with kindness and understanding. Then the whole world will say that your jewel cannot be false because your life is truly blessed. "
@JohnnySpot That's a really great story, John, but you said: Each of us must make himself worthy of the gift his Father gave him.

Spiritually speaking, Jesus said we don't need to make ourselves worthy before we can come to him, or in order to receive His love or His free gift of salvation. Our Salvation is not determined by good works, lest any man might boast that he saved himself, and that is not possible. We don't earn a gift. It is free. Jesus always says to come as we are. His love is unconditional, meaning we don't have to earn it or work for it.
JohnnySpot · 56-60, M
@LadyGrace He made birds out of clay and they flew off.
Peterthe1 · 36-40, M
@assemblingaknob It is not the matter of personal belief. Your reference to it as my personal belief is WRONG and BIASED. You don't need to be a THEOLOGICAL SCHOLAR to understand the Gospel. If you need a personal assistant to do it for, God would be merciful enough to bless you with THE HOLY SPIRIT rather than some scholar.
This is the difference between you and Christians. You need the proof of a THEOLOGICAL SCHOLAR.
Our proof is The Living Holy Spirit and JESUS CHRIST is the living God merciful enough to have opened the gates of heaven for whosoever believes in him. We see prayers. You see proof.
We are guided by The HOLY SPIRIT. you are guided by an unknown gentry, unknown philosophers, theological philosophers, scientists and everyone to back up your hearsay.

Contrary to it, we believe in the words of The Living God who is our sacrificial Lamb, A sinless Lamb, whose blood has opened the doors of heaven. God, the father loves him so much that he takes care of the believers of his Son so well that inspite of you speaking ARABIC, you have to learn another language to give us your false proof but as the Lord said, "Beware of the wolves in sheep's clothing". I am in no way criticizing you for your belief but I want you to know the reality, I want you to know the covenants rather than believing in Theological scholars. The foundation which requires a constant proof of theological scholars to clear the doubts of its own people is not, in anyway set to the BASE.
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
@Peterthe1 3 comments are called bombardment. Oh okay. Then your replies are bombardment on my 3 comments!
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
@Peterthe1 And calling differing opinions biased and wrong are very gentle discussions. Lol. Thank you humble follower of Christ for educating me.
Of course everything and everyone is unknown because it doesn't cater to your personal narrativeif you shouldn't trust my sources, I have no reason to trust your. Simple lol. I think you asked not to gain knowledge or out of genuine curiosity, but only out of obnoxious christian superiority complex you have. Sounds like a mental illness tbh. Can't tolerate a differing opinion. Lmao typical religious fanatic. The earth is flat eh? Lol

You can point that accusing finger right back at yourself because you are doing everything you accused him of. You're the one that can't tolerate a differing opinion. Yes we are fanatical about Christ, thank you. We take that as a compliment because there's nothing we wouldn't do for Christ, nor take our love for him away. We will never be ashamed of God and our beliefs. What other people want to believe is up to them. We have no problem with that but we will never leave our Jesus. We are proud to be called a follower of His.
Peterthe1 · 36-40, M
@assemblingaknob The point is I openly came up as Christian and you, after several of your comments, are telling me not to guess your religion means you are being or trying to be clever in here. We practice simple life and don't deceive anyone in our consciousness.
The Koran evolved from the Bible, the Bible evolved from the Tanakh, and the Tanakh evolved from various Sumerian mythology.
Peterthe1 · 36-40, M
@BohemianBabe Atlesst You correctly know one fourth of the info
@Peterthe1 I know literally everything.
JohnnySpot · 56-60, M
Islam is the second most popular religion in the world do a little research if you want to know something about it.
@JohnnySpot Oh, okay. Thank you.
Peterthe1 · 36-40, M
@JohnnySpot I have talked to a Muslim preacher for the whole 6 months. I know about the religion. People following something won't make it a very Auspicious publication. For your information, people follow Whiskey, alcoholic beverages and that does not mean that these are pious.
JohnnySpot · 56-60, M
@Peterthe1 if you know then why are you asking ridiculous questions.
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
and the bible was comissioned by a roman emperor with concepts like "you need to believe without proof because doubting is a sin" , not at all a brainwashing tool to control the masses, noooo. the bible is laegely sourced from the torah, its literally the "answer" to an old jewish prophesy. christians call the bible "the world of god" while it was written by many different autors over a very long period of time. at least the torah claims to be a message from an angel that mohamed transcibed, so it at least fits the description of a "reveiled" book, not that either is better than the other, they've both been detrimental to mankind. all abrahamic religions are toxic.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
I personally believe it is the people who think they are good and thus all they have to do is follow a few petty rules and heaven's doors will open wide. That whole idea is nonsense. There is no one good but God. We have God's word on that.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@hippyjoe1955 Well many different religions are rule based. Trying to legislate human nature in order to please God. Even the Roman era Jewsish leaders were terrible about following the letter of the law while their hearts were unclean.
@hippyjoe1955 Amen to that!
Ynotisay · M
Of course it's a religion. It coerces people in to behavior via text created to control. Just like every religion.
justanothername · 51-55, M
@Ynotisay Pretty much.
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
Christianity is probably a sideline of Judaism, evolved from judaic circles who did not accept the monotheistic dogma of the jews (or were unaware of it).
The "early history" of Christianity as told by Christians is most likely a typical religious founding myth, a construction that was setup much later. Chances are that Jesus (which simply means "the saviour") never existed as a historical person. At least there are no reliable contemporary sources which might prove the existence of that person.
The following figures most likely never existed – they are just the embodiment of a founding narrative:
Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad.
Not sure about Buddha; Laozi is entirely legendary; there was never a historical Laozi.
Fertilization · 36-40, F
@assemblingaknob All I am trying to know is that you believe that Isa’s existence has no proof???
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
@Fertilization No. My comment was a sarcastic copy paste of another comment on here but with the tables turned.
@assemblingaknob JonathanSJ has told you the exact truth. The proof is not in man-made philosophy or books. The proof is solely in the experience, which includes the Holy Spirit sent to us from God, when we accept His Son, Jesus, as our Lord and Savior. He is our Teacher and guide in life. And since Jesus's mission on Earth is finished, before He left this earth, He told us to tell everyone His Plan of Salvation, so that none would miss heaven. Also, so we would not have to guess about how to get to heaven. But man in his arrogance, decided he would set his own standard for salvation instead of listening to Jesus, and that will never work. We are not wiser nor smarter than Jesus. If any say we are, there is no truth in them.
Adstar · 56-60, M
It's a cult like mormonism.. Just like mormonism a guy claimed to have been contacted by an Angel of God and was given a message from God.. Of course the Holy Bible gave specific warning about angels giving messages that where contrary to the Bibles message..

Galatians 1:6-8"I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: {7} Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. {8} But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed."

So muhammad of islam is accursed..

And joseph smith of mormonism is accursed..
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
Like Christianity coming from
Judaism? Maybe.
*stolen is the correct term.
JohnnySpot · 56-60, M
the direct word of the God of Abraham as revealed to Muhammad
Peterthe1 · 36-40, M
@JohnnySpot You mean to say that everything that came before him was a hoax? Why did he need to deliver new laws when it was already there?
JohnnySpot · 56-60, M
@Peterthe1 no speculation involved just informing you of Islamic Muslim beliefs.
Islam is a business as is Christianity. If one refers to both as cults along with other religions one would not be wrong.
Islam is a business as is Christianity.

I don't speak for Islam, but you're absolutely right. God is in the business of saving Souls. Not all churches are phony so don't put them all in the same basket please. My church does not steal people's money and use it for their own benefit to buy a fancy sports car or a mansion. All our money goes to benefit people and the Lord. It also goes to missionaries who are out in the field working for God. Telling people about Jesus.
Peterthe1 · 36-40, M
@assemblingaknob Islam is not a religion mentioned in Torah. He was a false prophet the moment he had bloodbath. God loved this world very much and never send prophets for massacre after the covenant was established.
Clearly, you want to see the proof of everything on YouTube and God said in his words not to test on him. You have a very nice teacher on youtube videos to which I don't want to comment.
NorthernBear · 51-55, M
@Peterthe1 so Samuel was a false prophet? 1 Samuel 15:1-25
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
@Peterthe1 You haven't read the Torah cover from cover lol. Your arguments reek of illiteracy. Go read the Torah instead of acting like a fool in sw.
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
Is the "Christian religion" even real, or has it evolved from the Torah itself? like those who did not believe in Elohim and formed another group and made laws, largely according to their own personal will?
Bible + Torah + Own agenda that first makes the follower think like separatist then extremist and then..
@ABCDEF7 Christians only use the Bible. I only say that because we don't use the Torah.

It is the failing of mankind to search without instead if within .
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Bits and pieces. But like all other religions it is man made.

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