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Badedog12 · 18-21, M
yes most definitely

The two are not synonymous.. I believe in god who made free flourishing unrestricted nature, so I don't believe he intends to restrict people either..

I dont believe in religion it is all fear and restriction..

I love the bible, the Quran, the bhagavad ghita , the Dead Sea scrolls, the books of enoch, jasher, and jubilee, the emerald tablets of thoth the atlantian god king; but I only read the bible continually..

I worship the god mentioned in all those articles and I dont exclude any articles of religion I forgot to mention..

I do not believe in religion though
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
I believe in God, I'm in the process of becoming a Christian
Just to correct my post and stick to the question. -No, not religion. Relation. A relationship between the living God, Jesus Christ Himself and the fellowship in the Holy Spirit.

I agree with you. A Universal vaccination does not sound right to me either. The pope is pushing for a one world religion, that goes against the life, the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The global economy has crashed..Hmm what's coming after that!

In Luke Chapter 21, Jesus speaks about the end days very clearly.

Armageddon is a place where many will gather for battle. Some say it will be in Israel (Jerusalem)
But that isn't proven. It could be anywhere.

These are awful times and never seen before. Even folks in there 80s-90s have said, this is something they have never witnessed.

The pandemic, really is just the dress rehearsal of what is to come.
Your concerns are shared by many. Some see it as one huge party and a time for protesting. Ive not seen one peaceful protest ever.

Im a Christian too. I thought I had a great relationship with Jesus, throughout my life. But, I was far far from knowing the true meaning of being a true servant for the Kingdom of God.

In the last month, I knew I had to choose between the world, or Jesus. So I confessed. Spoke to my pastor, and repented.

I share your concerns x.

ps. Don't entertain the hate replies, thats what they want. It's not worth it. You've got Jesus
In terms of eschatology, that is a “futurist eschatology” approach. The mark of the beast bring physical.

If one embraces such an eschatology it seems the challenge is to identify one thing as the “mark”. I could see any number of technological advances being a mark of end of times.

I tend to be of an idealist eschatology. I feel the mark is symbolic. I have my own ideas, but I won’t go there....
@Jdanielb That's a preterist view. Sure. I think "money" has a broad space for interpretation.
@CopperCicada well I mean I conclude only from biblical clues..

1. Mark was an apostle, he was a tax collector. Mark is money.

2. Judas betrayed jesus for cash.

3. You cant buy sell or trade with out it.. a clue to the mark in revelations.

4. 666 is only mentioned twice in the bible. Once to hint at the mark, and once to describe Solomon's wealth.

5. Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers.

6. Jesus said serve god or money.

7. Peter says " silver and gold have I none" then immediately performs a miracle.

8. God didnt make money, man did.

9. The traitor carried the money bag.

10. The bible says the love of money is the root of ALL EVIL.

11. Revelations says " you have made the merchants of the earth your great men by their many inventions" right before god destroys them for evil..

I mean the list really does continue.. I just follow the clues..

12. Jesus says to sell all you have and give it to the poor, THEN come follow him.

13. He says it's hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

14. The rich man leaves him and the rich man is sad.

15. Lazarus and the rich man parable.. Lazarus was poor and he went to paradise with abraham but the rich man went to hell.

16. He says that the kingdom of heaven belongs to the poor.

17. James says it's the rich men who blaspheme our holy name..

Etc etc etc.. the bible clearly is biased against money..
@Jdanielb Sure. I am in agreement. My point was that “money” has a broader meaning and impact today.
The mark is not a vaccine as needles existed when revelation was written. So there would have been no need to make a metaphor in place of some future not understood technology. The mark is a literal mark. A brand. Like one would brand a criminal at the time. It was meant to distinguish people. So you know who you can and cant not trade with. You cant distingue people with a vaccine which is effectively invisible. Nor do you get a vaccine in your head and or hand. If you are going to go this far you might as well say no shoes, no shirt, no service is the mark as well. They tried this with UPC codes in the 70-80s as well. And paper money. And the Euro. At this point it's crying wolf.
Most of this has to do with the fact that Revelation was written by a Jewish convert to Christianity and therefore uses Jewish occult symbols. Including things like gematria. Modern Christians not raised around Judaism have completely lost most of the context of Revalation therefore.
Christians need to be more worried about false prophets and worshiping antichrists. As many have fallen for an antichrist in tr*mp and have taken the word of false prophets like Jonny Enlow, Kat Kerr and Jeff Jansen to heart and believe them despite their prophecies failing time and again.

"When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him."
Deuteronomy 18:22

But I have heard many "prophets" hide behind: ""Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm." 1 Chronicles 16:22'

But this is cowardly and arrogant as they are claiming that they themselves are prophets and anointed and chosen of God despite no evidence not God telling anyone else that he chose them.

Ultimately the Bible only says one sin is unforgivable and that is blasphemy against the holy spirit.
Thodsis · 51-55, M
@canusernamebemyusername Has your local shop run out of tin foil? :)
JupiterDreams · 31-35
I do believe in a God. But I don't believe in organized religion, if that makes sense. But I don't judge those who do 🌺 We're cool beans 🌺
I believe I am god.. does that count? 🤔
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@SpiritualMan hmm. Interesting.. so then in Luke when jesus says.. " those who attain the resurrection are as the angels of god and can die no more".. it's pretty clear that hes talking about men becoming enlightened or if you will receiving the gear of resurrection..

What leads you to think hes talking about Angel's in that passage and why aren't Angel's just risen men.

Also if that's not the passage jesus is quoting when he says in your own law it is written you are gods, as hes talking to men in front of him, then what is he referencing.?
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I take the mark of the beast ( in the head and the hand) to be more of a thought and actions thing.
QueenOfZaun · 26-30, F
I believe in god. Not religion
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QueenandCrown · 41-45, F
Do you personally know of a knowledgeable Pastor who can help break down these verses for you?
REMsleep · 41-45, F
I believe in a personal relationship with God.
What caused the big bang?
Why do humans laugh? What evolutionary reaction causes us find things funny?
Who coded DNA. Random mutations do not build ordered systems imo.
Anyway I don't know alot but I'm betting that there is something bigger than us out there. We can't be the best and brightest of the Universe.
I place my bet on Jesus.
I know people hate religion but people tend to muck up everything that they touch including God's word.
Religion is not evil, people are.
twiigss · M
@REMsleepWell, there are people out there who don't even believe God exists. Well, here's one thing I'm always thinking: What's the harm in believing he DOES exist, praying, and getting saved??

I look at it this way, I don't want to end up in hell, or some plane of existence where it's torture forever. Pray, ask for forgiveness, and just try to do the best you can with it. I know I don't do good at all, and every single day I fall short. I should really be praying more and just doing better, but it really is hard to do :(
You can buy if you wear a mask, though.
bugeye · 26-30, F
Not anymore. i can barely think of a single meaningful moment where religion was a positive part of my life.
kodiac · 22-25, M
I believe in god but I don't worship it .Religion is the root of all evil.
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
I do believe in God but I'm not an extremist. I have my own way
Thodsis · 51-55, M
The latter exists. The former doesn't.
JohnRing · 56-60, M
Justenjoyit · 56-60, M
Sorry to say no.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I notice you don't specify which god or which religion. This is typical of Christianity. You pretend those words can have only one meaning.
@LordShadowfire You're sort of trying too hard with that one. He mentions the Bible, a verse from Revelation, and believe Christ died on the cross for his sins. Don't really need to contextualize.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@CopperCicada As a member of a religion that is forever in the shadow of Christianity, I guess it just really bothers me that the word religion is automatically a shorthand for Christianity, or that it can be assumed that Bible stories are universally known. If I were to make a reference to Cerridwen's cauldron, I would end up having to retell the entire story, and then spend the rest of the day explaining why she isn't a demon.
@LordShadowfire Well. I get that. A minority religion here myself.
empanadas · 31-35, M
I believe in god but not so much in religion
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@SpiritualMan I believe the tribulation is each persons own experience.. as paul states " we must enter the kingdom of heaven through many tribulations"

What about the jewish star of david having six sides, six points and a hexagon in the center..

You know worship is highly what you give your time to..

Is there anything on earth you cant buy sell or trade without that people devote lots of time to?
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