I'm trying to work on mine .
I think the first step, (and I could be incredibly wrong 😁), is to centre on the "now".
Try and let go the past (like that's not hard enougn), stop worrying about the future, and just concentrate on the moment.
I think the first step, (and I could be incredibly wrong 😁), is to centre on the "now".
Try and let go the past (like that's not hard enougn), stop worrying about the future, and just concentrate on the moment.
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
check out Thich Nhat Hanh , a wonderful guy. there is a clip of him talking with Oprah but he wrote like 100 books, just listening to him talk help me sometimes.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
There's a book called 'Buddhism,Plain And Simple'by Steve Hagen..one of. The best books i'veever read on Buddhism..and i've read many over the last 33 years.
Penny · 46-50, F
I think the only book anyone would ever need to read on meditating is Journey of Awakening by Ram Dass. Its so simply written too. After that to get into Zen in particular my favorite book is Everyday Zen : Love and Work by Charlotte Joko Beck, but there are probably many ohter good Zen authors. I think that Thich Naht Hahn is pretty good though reading him is kind of redundant for me.
curiosi · 61-69, F
YouTube, Allen Watts
Entwistle · 56-60, M
Be in the moment. Normally we are distracted with our thoughts. Observe without adding concepts onto the situation.
Stopmakingsense · 56-60, F
Simplify. I think it's like Marie Condo.
JP1119 · 36-40, M
@Stopmakingsense Never heard of Marie Condo before.
Stopmakingsense · 56-60, F
@JP1119 She tells people to tidy up so that the things around them, especially at home, bring them joy.
Throwing things away is often called for, and everything in your house must also have a proper place-. Its own home.
She seems like a Zen person, to me. She's a house work expert.
Throwing things away is often called for, and everything in your house must also have a proper place-. Its own home.
She seems like a Zen person, to me. She's a house work expert.
QueenandCrown · 41-45, F
Meditate. Meditate. Meditate.
JP1119 · 36-40, M
@QueenandCrown On what?
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@JP1119 On clearing your mind. Concentrate on your breathing and try ignore any thoughts that come into your mind.
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