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Are your feet as finicky as mine at bed time ?

I've tried sleeping with socks on

But I just can't do it ..

After about 15 minutes my feet get all sweaty and fidgety ..

So its back to no socks and relief ..

But there will come a time during the night , when my feet will be all 'like why didn't you leave the socks on man , it's freezing down here '

Feet are so fickle .

One day , I will give them the boot .

Bows for shameless dad joke and leaves the building
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Coralmist · 41-45, F
Yeah I only sleep with socks at night if it's below freezing out. Otherwise they're too hot!
I only wear socks in boots .. a long time ago people used to have feet warmers ..
bookerdana · M
Hey,if I'm tired enough ......anything goes😁
Wiseacre · F
😅never heard of finicky feet!
Lilymoon · F
Never socks unless I'm sick with the flu 🤧

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