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Please help me

Hey chat, I think my boyfriend of 12 months now is using me for my body every time we talk he turns it into something sexual and guilt trips me until I send him something and I can’t help it I love him so much and I send it to him but then he completely shuts me out and yk leaves me on seen or he would say smth dry and when I would try to continue the conversation he just doesn't put effort like I do. I know I sound like a fool but we have had our good times too, he’s the first ever person to make me feel loved in a way, I’m attached to him. He’s the only person that I have right now. Please help me.
Onasander · 41-45, M
Don't break up with him just yet. Withold sex from him, until he takes you to The Cheesecake Factory.

If he doesn't do it, then know you are worth less than cheesecake to him. However, if he does take you, you can have a conversation with him. Play it by ear from there. You can always break up with him later.
You might be too young to be planning a permanent relationship. Think of him as a sex toy you control.
QCDog2659 · 61-69, M
Based upon my experiences, the wise move, long term, would be to get rid of him.

Yes..You will be sad and hurting, but you will also find someone far better for you.

You are too valuable a person to allow him, or anyone, to trear you badly.

I am here if you need to talk.
Daviszabecki · 56-60, M
Dear you, you already know the answer, you’re just scared of saying it out loud. He’s not good for you. Someone so much better awaits you. Even if it’s hard to think of right now.
Tonydang · M
Sounds terrible but I think your just a little bit of fun for him next time he asks for a picture don’t send one and see if he hangs around that will answer all your questions
eMortal · M
You're victim of sexual extortion. He is accomplishing that by emotionally blackmailing you. No nudes no attention kinda thing.
Now you know. Time to make a decision.
Please help yourself and drop him like a turd after eating spoiled food.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
You appear way to young to be on this site!!
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
Sounds like you already know he doesn't love you.

This might be really hard, but try to stop and examine what it is that you love. So you love him, or is it that you are in love with the idea of being in love? I ask because you mention he's the first person to make you feel loved, and even though you don't feel that right now you see might be seeing him as a potential source of that feeling and trying to get it back. He's the only person that you have right now, but it sounds like you don't really have him.

Tell him you need someone who is going to put in more effort and love and if he isn't going to do it then you are going to start looking elsewhere. And that then hold to it. Don't let him get charming for two weeks and then sink back into this same behavior. Because that's exactly what he'll do. You'll think things are better now and then slowly you'll find yourself right back here.
I think I can promise you that this relationship isn't going to do you any good. If you're doing this so you won't be alone, you'll be paying a heavy price

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