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Sex is as important as food

Sex is a very important part of one's health, both males and females. Especially with females, sex plays a major role of balancing the many hormones that roam all over their bodies. That is why they need sex more than men for their general mental and emotional needs, besides physical needs.

When the body asks for sex, it's because it's gotten to a point of needing to do it's job to keep you healthy, but it lacks the chemicals to complete the job. That's why it sends a message down there so that you can do the necessary. During sex, the body creates the chemicals it needs and does it's job to keep you healthy. It's like food. Your body asks for food by making you feel hungry when it needs the nutrients to keep you healthy. Food provides the body with the nutrients it needs to survive. Similarly, sex provides the body with the necessary catalysts (romance) that enable it to produce the necessary chemicals to provide you the necessary chemical balance.

Just like there's good food and bad food, there's good sex and bad sex. To guarantee that we get good food, we get a home with a kitchen, get cooking pots, knives and spoons, buy groceries, prep the food, spice it to make it edible, then serve and eat it. We seldom or never eat the food directly from the plants they are attached to (like animals do), nor do we eat the grass or tree barks. We are civilized.
Similarly with sex, we don't just hump onto any human we come across like dogs or elephants when we have our urges. We instead choose a partner, take them home to live with, then do the thing with them as often as the urges come.

Suppressing sexual urge is like suppressing hunger. It only makes you want it more and more, and even makes you angry. It's all natural. If you keep suppressing it, part of you starts to die. And just like how the people who eat well often live longer, people who have good healthy sex often live longer, and happier. Lack of sex makes you gloomy, and causes you to age faster.

True, different people have different urges for sex. Some want it twice a day, some want it twice a month, while others longer. No matter the age. Not talking openly about sex has made people develop misinformation about it. That's why some people judge when someone says that they have a high sex appetite, which is biologically a sign of a healthy body.

Therefore it's necessary for the person you have allowed into your private personal life to understand that one of their main job is to take care of your sexual needs, and wants if they are up to it. If someone refuses, avoids or postpones taking care of their partner's sexual need, it's like refusing to give them food. When people consent to relate, they need to regard their partner's sexual need as an important part of their their health. And if your partner does not, then you may have to make the difficult decision to find a partner that does. Usually, a partner who overlooks the other partner's sexual needs also overlooks other needs that the partner has. The overlooking partner is selfish, and this shows in many other places.

I made that decision some 12yrs ago when I lived in sexless marriage. It was one of the hardest decisions. It also came with court cases and a lot of financial burden (child support and alimony). However, I don't regret it. Being sexually satisfied has made me enjoy a dimension of humanity that money can't buy. It has also boosted my productivity, that I now don't feel the financial burden that I so much feared.
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Morvoren · F
I think people who don’t have sex, make it something far more important than it really is.

Sex is important but it’s not as heavy an issue as you’re saying. People need more self respect.
Lovegentleman · 46-50, M
@Morvoren I believe you are correct within the margins of your needs.
Magenta · F
@Morvoren Indeed this. And they defo need food more as you won't live without it.
Lovegentleman · 46-50, M
As I had mentioned earlier, there’s good sex, not so good sex and bad sex. When in I was in a sexless marriage, I had between not so good sex and bad sexual experiences. Rejection led to disconnection, which led to thought separation, which led to checking out while in the marriage.
An itch feels good when scratched. It feels better when scratched by someone else. It feels ecstatic when scratched by someone who lovingly does it, and does it well. Without an itch, there’s no need for a scratch.
There’s a TED Radio Hour episode, ‘Press Play’ that reveals a lot about us humans and the need to play. There’s a tendency of people to think that play is immature and childish. Whereas play is what has paved way for differences between and within people to disappear, resulting to harmony. In the episode, there’s a group called Impromptuv. It seeks for opportunities to initiate play.
Failure to play sears the nerves that transmit harmonious connections between and within people. Play sensitizes so may human values that strengthen our humanity such as empathy, team work.
When I got into a relationship that entertained romance and play, I had sex nearly everyday, sometimes twice a day. We both learnt how to cultivate our relationship by proactively creating an itch within each other, thus eliminating the opportunity of not being in the mood. It’s in those times that the most grandiose business ideas have come to my mind. No kidding.
You have to experience it to talk about it. The wow factor in sex wowed my brain cells.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
No, food is life sex isn't
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Sex is not important unless you want to have children. It was never intended to be a form of entertainment. So many human lives wasted on that pointless addiction.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
There are many factors in a relationship.

To say any one factor is more important is to ignore ALL the other factors.

So you don't ignore sex? Then intimacy and other needs suffers. Say intimacy is more important? Than sex, conversation and others suffers.

The list keeps on expanding. Say with kids, respect and once again others. Say responsibilities!
in10RjFox · M
Wonderful write up. Sex as taboo has turned humans quite dirty psychologically. There are many ways to look at Sex. Sex is an essential beverage like coffee beer. Sex is also a Nature's call like urine. When the bladder is full we have to release.

Marriage is an unnatural and bad habit cultivated in humans and all the more worse is monogamy, where each one is married to a commode and restricted to use that commode only and travel with it wherever one goes.

And use of any other toilet other than the one who one is married to, is cheating and adultery. 😀😀😀

And one is expected to hold the bladder and rush home from wherever but not use any public or friends toilet, to satisfy the urge. 😀😀

And thus people store their filth inside but nature forces them to resort to forced entry into toilets.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I believe that intimacy is far more important for woman's health than sex.
Lovegentleman · 46-50, M
@CrazyMusicLover true. I believe it’s part of the sensual sandwich ingredients.
MrSmooTh · 31-35, M
Sex is honestly not that important. Its even overrated if you ask me. The real "good stuff" is genuine connection. There are many things in life that can make you feel good for a short time, but can't offer you true happiness. Meaningless sex is one of those things.
I'd rather have a piece of really good fancy dark chocolate
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
I think a lot of us would be dead if it were that important
Tracos · 51-55, M
I guess i live an unhealthy life 😳
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
Well s*** it's been about 4 years three of which I have been incarcerated now I'm 6 months into my release.. and still no sex gee maybe that's why I'm such a f****** Viking LOL
MoveAlong · 70-79, M
Go without both sex and food for a week and then tell me you'd rather have pussy than pie. They are both important but going without pussy won't kill you.
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
It's not like refusing to give them food. Nobody is going to die from a lack of sex. It is important psychologically for a majority of people, as it is written into our biology. But it is physically unnecessary.
If that were true,there wouldn't be any distinction between sexual predation and classical predation. Some people need to be deprived of sex. Not completely, but they should be deprived of sex with certain individuals. This will mean going entirely without for a time, which we can't do that with food
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empanadas · 31-35, M
Naw you can survive a year without sex but you can't survive 2 weeks without food

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