ILIASM (I Live In A Sexless Marriage) was one of the biggest groups on EP. To summarize the collective experience of that group, the withholder is not going to change so the denied person can either live with it, outsource their needs or leave. I tried one and 2 before doing 3.
@Offthetop Was in the same group. People's comments made me realize a world that I did not know existed. I thought I was sick even contemplated asking the doc to inject me with anti-testosterone drugs. Because my then wife made me feel I was abnormal. Only to then get out and meet people who rowed the boat at my speed. Wow.
It doesn’t have to be that way. I was in a sexless marriage very unhappy. It just recently ended for other reasons. Instead of being any kind of sad or hurt I’m happy because I was so miserable
@Teslin apparently if you're having it fewer than ten times a year it's classed as sexless. I'd take that, as a 100% improvement - but nowhere near what would make me happy.
My boyfriend and I have talked about my keeping my virginity. It's a choice some couples do make, but unless it's an agreed choice, it's really unfair.
Ohh deserve to have some kind of sexual pleasure. A way of releasing that tension build its by you helping your self or someone to help you 😉