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Who’s the bigger flirt, you or your SO?

Definitely me, in our marriage. Haha!
mooncrest02 · 31-35, F
He is, i only know how to blush🥰 lol
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@mooncrest02 That's me.
mooncrest02 · 31-35, F
@BittersweetPotato its just not me my voice gets all small and i get shyyy🤣 but i have tried. Lol
This will sound odd but...when I am in a relationship I am a major flirt, when I have been single, I never flirt at all. The reason you may ask? Well when I am single I may have to back up the flirting when I am in a relationship it is not necessary.
WayneRuss · M
@istillhaveanameitsrick Haha! Your explanation makes sense!
AbbeyRhode · F
Definitely him, I never flirt.
WayneRuss · M
@AbbeyRhode how come, if I may ask?
AbbeyRhode · F
@WayneRuss I've seen the hurt such seemingly innocent games can cause, and I never played like that. I play for keeps.
WayneRuss · M
@AbbeyRhode understood! Thanks for you’re reply!
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
I am never the bigger flirt. Lol. I am not flirty by nature.
GunFinger · F
Me. There's no us without me.😁
exexec · 61-69, C
My wife, High school, college, and after we married: she has always been a flirt.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
I've never been good at flirting..
WayneRuss · M
@Primnproper Hmmm....Seriously? I would have thought you'd be a natural. 😉
Primnproper · 56-60, F
@WayneRuss I'm not forward enough. Unless i do it and dont know it..
JustScott · M
I’m probably the bigger flirt but my wife loves flirting too
Flirts bore me. Especially when married people flirt.
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
My SO. It is fun to watch him flirt with cute girls😉😈
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
I never flirt with anyone
Adogslife · 61-69, M
Probably me. I like people most times.
Lostpoet · M
I do not know how to flirt
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
Me, I'm the flirt
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
SO definitely
That's like asking what has more charisma: a rock or Bruce Dern. The scales won't even tip when you put just one of them on
WayneRuss · M
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP it’s cool if you choose not to answer.
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WayneRuss · M
@Melissa501 I’m sure you’re aware there is a such a thing as harmless flirting right? Just no tolerance for it?
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WayneRuss · M
@Melissa501 I’d have to go with no on that one. Haha!

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