I Am In a Difficult Marriage
So my wife and I met and started dating and fell quickly and hopelessly in love. We got married after only 3 months and at first it seemed so blissful. Then I began to see another side to her. She has an explosive temper and those first few months destroyed my TV, stereo, CD's, busted a wall and even hit me. After every episode she would feel really bad and apologize profusely. But what is love if you can't forgive? I forgive every time and then I started to have episodes in response to hers (I never hit her though). My sister describes our marriage as 'volatile' and I must agree. When its good it really is incredible but when its bad its nightmarish. I used to only socially drink on the weekends but now drink almost every day because I'm so stressed out to be around her. I never know what might set her off so I walk on eggshells until she is in a happy mood again. The problem is these episodes are getting more and more frequent. I don't know what to do. The marriage is dying a slow painful death and I feel helpless to prevent it. The only thing I can do is still love her even if she doesn't love or even like me anymore. That's what love is I think, loving even when it's painful, heart wrenching and seemingly doomed to fail.