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Should adultery be punished by law?

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Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
What do u think the punishment should be?

Seems a little crazy to waste time proving someone cheated when the divorce can be finalized and people can move on. It's like punishing someone because u lived in a sexless marriage.
Dreammmer · 61-69, M
@Quietrumble: Agreed, a court cannot make people have morals. But a society is based on morals and there are punishments for many things where people are victims or other being immoral. I think that even though people do not have morals they do the right thing often because they fear punishment or because they have been punished and never want that to happen again.
When they’re respected by their spouse. @Dreammmer
Not everyone has the same morals. Some people when unhappy move on. That’s the way it is. If you don’t want to lose your spouse don’t take them for granted. Then that should also be a crime. @Dreammmer
TimSummers · M
Law of the land or the God's law? You are mixing up church and state. Careful!
@Dreammmer: It tries, anyway. This is too personal an area, and unless they're going to start putting cameras in folks' bedrooms, it won't work.
Dreammmer · 61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard: This is not hindrance at all. Very easy to get proof. The reason it is not being punished is not that the authorities cant get proof.
@Dreammmer: Well, the point is, they're not. I'm a liberal, but in this instance I agree with the concept of less government interference. The punishment is divorce. Other than that, it's nobody else's business.
Adultery doesn't prevent someone from living their life but bullying and harassment does.
@Dreammmer: I'm not excusing it. I just don't think it should punishment by law other than the obvious and that is a divorce. One who has committed adultery can lose their entire family over it , even friends and jobs.
Dreammmer · 61-69, M
@Iamnolongerhere: A divorce is not a punishment by law, but the legal and social consequences taken by one or both, and at times a spouse will not file for divorce because of various reasons, one among them being dependency and love for the children. Your claim that one can still live their life is an excuse, bc it ignores the serious and lasting wounds in the lives of many.
Oh be quiet with your long lasting wounds talk and stop being wish washy. When a marriage works , it works. When a person is happy and has enough to lose a person is not going to cheat.@Dreammmer:
limefairy · 51-55, F
No it should be dealt with by the couple involved.
Dreammmer · 61-69, M
@limefairy: how about the children?How do they deal with it? And is adultery a private thing only?
limefairy · 51-55, F
@Dreammmer: It will only hurt the children no matter what their age. If is was discreet and quiet there is no need to turn it into a public spectacle. If it's something everybody knows about the offending spouse has to live with their public disgrace and the hurt caused to their spouse and children.
Dreammmer · 61-69, M
@limefairy: The children will be hurt and are hurt anyway. My question was how do they deal with it since they also are involved. And in my opinion they often are not able to deal with it. No one speaks of a public spectacle, I dont know where you got that idea from. When you get a fine for speeding, there is no public spectacle either. You dont know how many times your neighbor was fined by the law for committing an offense.
Let the parties involved work it out.
[image/video deleted]
Dreammmer · 61-69, M
@Iamnolongerhere: Nice. But irrelevant for the discussion here. Real life and real adultery does not care much about nice ideals, but how to handle life when it was shattered and bruised.
How is it irrelevant? @Dreammmer:
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Fernie · F
It is when it causes divorce
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
It IS a big deal to me. It is a VERY big deal. It is just not to be punishable by law in my opinion. @Dreammmer:
Dreammmer · 61-69, M
@Iamnolongerhere: I know. We differ on that. Disgerading the lack of punishment, I strongly believe it is a crime.
I strongly believe it isn't .@Dreammmer:
It already is, if one has to go through divorce because of it.
No but marriage should
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
It's punishment enough on its own @Nunlover:
@Flenflyys: 😂 I'll not argue with that
Who will raise my children?
snofan · M
No. It's not a crime.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
Definitely not!
Ramon67 · 61-69, M
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Dreammmer · 61-69, M
Now for all others, to take matters in your own hand to execute justice is forbidden in every civilized society. and I dont think that Idaho is in Afghanistan.
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Dreammmer · 61-69, M
@lacsar: Welcome on my blocking list, enjoy the company of those pervs and angry folks.
What, shall we stone the offenders, as they do in some Middle Eastern countries ? Only theists. Leave the non-believers to the divorce courts.
@Dreammmer: I suspect the state has more actual "crimes" to deal with than this. Marriage is a civil contract, not conscription. At best one can sue for not honoring the terms agreed upon, aka divorce.
Dreammmer · 61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard: I suspect something different. Infringing on copyright laws and speeding are more of a crime than destroying a marriage? Adultery is not a real crime, not a real offense? I disagree. My assumption is that many answers to my question are the result of marriage not being really special anymore and that divorce has become such a commong thing like crossing a red light. A society that does not give marriage a high value by laws will have a society that sees marriage as something cheap.
A society that does not give marriage a high value by laws will have a society that sees marriage as something cheap.

40%-50% divorce rates and declining marriages, more people cohabitating (which was once also illegal in some states where adultery was)

Methinks that ship has sailed.
caesar7 · 61-69, M is a choice.
caesar7 · 61-69, M

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