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How do you know if it is time to let go ?

lovingdead · 31-35, M Best Comment
When that which you're holding onto is long gone, when you've replayed memories so much in your head you start to question their truth, when your hands are cracked and bleeding and you've pondered if you can ever unclench them again, when tears have formed canyons on your face from flowing so steadily, when you realise you are the strong and brave one for standing steadfast through this storm.

ChickenInvasion · 31-35, M
When its too hard to hold on
ChickenInvasion · 31-35, M
Losing everything won't last forever... ull recover... can u hold on forever?
colourlessflower · 22-25, F
No :(
ChickenInvasion · 31-35, M
It hurts... but look at it as a chance to grow.

But idk the situation, so take what I say with a grain of salt
maverickxo · 31-35, M
when you start to ask a question like ''how do you know if it is time to let go '' here's a cute pic
SailorMarz · F
if you're really stressed about it?
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
If you have to ask, it probably is.

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