I'm sure she thinks you're worth it.
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Haftez · 36-40, F
you surely right it might be my defense to not feel in situation where i could be rejected...
getmeouttahere · 36-40, F
Haftez · 36-40, F
well time will say... thank you for your words :)
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Haftez · 36-40, F
yes ofc but you may not able to realize it at first imo and i dont want to be limitation to her the day she would do something i cant... its weird feeling..
Thewhiterabbit46x2 · 41-45, M
I can identify with how you feel, and while I definitely agree with all the comments thus far I think it's important to mention that your feelings are valid and they can be present in people who may have a different type of disability. Acknowledge your feelings and communicate them. She will be able to tell you how she feels better than we can. I'm certain she will tell you that it doesn't matter to her, but push past that, talk about the things that may become annoying or troublesome, so she's aware of the things that you're sensitive to. We are going to annoy our partners at some point, probably more than we realize, but that's life. We stay in relationships because that person matters more than the sum total of things that bother us.
I hope this helps.
The Rabbit
I hope this helps.
The Rabbit
We'll make it work.
Haftez · 36-40, F
yes for now ^^
nedkelly · 61-69, M
DID you ever think she may limit you
Haftez · 36-40, F
no at all :)

I'm sure if she loves you nothing will stop her helping you if and when needed
nevergiveup · M
finding the right person to be in your life is very hard. I know my self what it is like
Mmiker · 46-50, M
It’s been almost a year now. How has this relationship been for you?
Happyguy123 · 46-50, M
I'm sure if its meant to be you're both get through it
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wuiop2 · 41-45
In a word, absolutely. :)
MasterLee · 56-60, M
No bring disabled is not necessarily a turn off