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I left him like you all told me to

I saw him yesterday and told him that i no longer want to continue this because it is toxic. He just told me “whatever you want”. No surprised face, he wasnt even sad, no nothing. We talked for like an hour i told him everything that annoyed me, and nothing came out of his mouth. At the end i couldnt tell him its over and he just told me to think about it and tell him some other day what i want to do. I was thinking of staying but then i learnt that he told his friends “nah she will stay she cant leave me” and that was my last straw. I messaged him that its over and it really is. I wont be coming back.
Congratulations on your strength and knowing your worth. Now it’s time for seeking out all the good things you deserve.
So you took the 'advice' of the bitter SW lonely hearts club members. Did you ever consider why most of those who give the "dump him" advice are here 24/7 in the first place?

Misery recruiting company.
@SmileOnYourBrother On the plus side - at least I'm not trying to tell others to stick with someone that they feel is toxic.

Regardless of reasons, if you feel like someone is unsuitable for you, you are better off to part ways with them and find someone who is a better fit than you would be to marry him/her, pop out child/ren and hope that s/he will change.

At least you're admitting your failings...
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@PoetryNEmotion Said one of the bitter 24/7 SW lonely hearts club members.
SilentSaturn · 26-30, M
Good for you. I'm glad you were able to stand up for yourself. No one will respect you until find your own self respect and hold yourself to that higher standard.

You will see that he will come crying back, and thats when you need to stand firm.

Best of luck.
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
Good job. Trust me, in the end he’ll be suffering too since he wanted you to beg and you WON’T do that.
kakkaakak · 18-21, F
@BetweenKittensandRiots imma be honest… the reason he started drugs and when i say drugs im talking about marijuana only is because he wants to be cool” infront of his friends. we’re still kids and his family is cool, he doesnt gaf about school and in general he has nothing to be sad about because he gets everything. I think he just liked the chase and the adrenaline of getting to know someone new, after the next few weeks of getting to know me he just got bored
Jessmari · 41-45
Good for you. Maybe take some time and just enjoy life for awhile.
Madmonk · M
His indifference draws you. Wait till you see him with someone else
I Really hate how staying became the new shame though in our culture because its always if you can do better you ought to with them but if someone is toxic and abusive then absolutely leave them.
kakkaakak · 18-21, F
@BetweenKittensandRiots i mean he didnt really care about me from the beginning… or maybe the excitement lasted like 2 weeks. He started doing drugs after those 2 weeks and thats when i realized that his behavior changed… im starting to think the smoking got to him.
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DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Good for you. Good luck for your future.
Good for you.
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