What personality disorder is this ? You sense something is off you tell them they get very angry and mad that you picked up on it ? 🤔
I really want to know what this is because I’ve had this happen to me so many times. It happen a few times in my 20s when I was trying to make new friends and recently after this breakup. Whenever I tell them something is off and I’m going to leave they get angry and irate, some even have tried to black mail me into not leaving, or threaten me to not leave. For example the night before I broke up with my ex boyfriend. I started off very clear and direct and told him the vibe is off and I think I need to go. He jumped up with the give me a example. I said I don’t have to give examples, he proceeds to call me a liar. It ended with him telling me the B word over and over again yelling at me to get out. His mom over hearing him and turning around going in her room. Him threatening to call the police on me even though I told him I was leaving, him following me out the door calling me a B. Me telling him that he is Bastard who doesn’t know his father, and laughing at him for bragging about all the girls he made suicidal when in reality he should do it. Then telling him the reason he is so mean to women is because he is a closeted DL who really wants to be with his friend Mike. I’m sorry I couldn’t stay nice but I didn’t yell or scream or fight I spoke up only after being called a B over and over again, all because I said something is off and I’m going to leave. !! I guess my question is why do they get mad that you want to leave when the whole time they are with you they act like they hate you, envy you, act jealous of you, probably smear your name and smile in your face.