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My BF is nice over the phone but distant and closed off in person.

Idk why he tells me he’s attracted to me and always ask me to come over. Then he will even call me to talk about the future and how he’s okay and love being around me. When I do come over he leaves me in a room by myself and goes to talk to his mother. Then he cuts me off and is short and snappy with me. Then if we don’t hook up he goes to sleep or falls asleep on the movie. Then when I try to create distance he checks to see if I’m coming back over. At the end of the week after spending so much time with him and these mixed feelings I feel drained. I don’t judge him for living at home cause it’s a big house and at least he has family to live with until he gets a place. So that’s not the issue. I also think he is a little bit of a mommas boy like the whole entertaining his mom before bed and leaving me in my room is kinda weird. Cause we’re in our 30s lol. Last night I stayed up watching the movie we put on cause he knocked out on me and then he calls to make sure In coming back. To be honest he acts a little emotionally unavailable to me and in return im the same because how can I get close to guy who literally rejects me in person. The only other thing it could be is im new for him im not his type he claims his type changed but it could be like he likes me in the bed room but when it comes to chilling hanging out and spending time with me it’s a issue. I really don’t care that much anymore for my own sanity but Im just wanting to know why is it like this and why when I walk away or distance myself he coming looking for me. Also it’s not all bad but im big on energy like I can never just sit around a man who acts like he doesn’t like me in person. Also it’s so weird that one time I touched him on his arm in a living way and he jumped. He only can connect to me if it’s pecks on the lips or he is banging me which he takes full control over.
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deathfairy · Best Comment
sounds like that’s his attachment style and he is looking for emotional comfort from his mom when he should be seeking it from u.. this is not you, it’s him. i would say he isn’t rdy for a relationship w you.. plz prioritize yourself and listens to ur gut. always. 💜
Tittyqueen · 41-45, F
@deathfairy what she said ☝🏻

Rudboy41 · 41-45, M
Thanks for sharing, i read it and i was like " oh my word, that was me with my ex too!" your story resonated with me. Im ashamed to say that i treated her the same way, the sex worked but the relationship shared values or goals part.. Not so much and i tried to keep it going for as long as i could eventhough it meant hiding my resentments towards her about the things i wanted for the relationship to move forward, i got comfy with it just being about sex but i lead her on, to keep the milk flowing without having to buy the cow.

Sounds like you have an elephant in the room named commitment and you are both compromising to keep the status quo.

Your Bf is standoffish because he doesnt want to get into it and upset you and potentially lose what he's got going, he's not using you persay but he isnt being 100% honest with his feelings, he doesnt want to admit it but he needs something from you that you're not bringing, the sex is the compromise, the bridge (and it may be the only bridge) where you both 'work' as a couple.

If you tell him what your relationship demands are, what *you* want he may just sweet talk you or lie because he doesnt wanna lose you. So dont have a talk straight up with him like that "

Rather mention casually what you would like your relationship to look like hypothetically, and see if he agrees, what his reaction is, you know, where is this going? Type stuff.

And ask yourself, would you still date him if nothing changes? - i wish you luck, its not easy but you gotta face it, for the sake of your future happiness(and sanity's) sake.
RedGrizzly · 26-30, F
This could be a variety of things. I'm not sure if it's just about sex with him. He seems to like your company no matter what you do. He knocks out on you because he's comfortable with you (proven fact some people get sleepy around people they like or love). But this guy ain't putting in all the work that's needed for a relationship, and it's two things that I'm observing: his distant attachment style (which is a learned trait from parents) and insecurities with his mom. If he's anything like me, it's because his parents do their own thing a lot and ignore him and his interests. If he grew up like that, then it explains his relationship with his mom and his relationship with you. He's still looking for her validation/interest (trying to please her or be seen/heard) because his parents practically neglected him emotionally. But you don't know what you don't know, so I would bring up these issues with him and ask him how he feels around you. The weird jolting thing when you touch him is wild. I'm thinking maybe abuse, or that you make him anxious because he's so infatuated with you, or that's one of his quirks being easily startled. Idk. Anyway, I can definitely understand how draining it is to constantly spend time with someone you're not all that crazy about but he asks because there's something you're fulfilling for him. You could be alleviating his depression (if he has it) with your presence, and again attachment style of being distant in person. Definitely something for you two to have a talk about. We all can only observe based off of your observations so we're all just giving ideas on what could be going on...take it with a grain of salt.
Adrift · 61-69, F
Well all the red flags seem to be there.
PinkMoon · 26-30, F
You deserve better than an emotionally distant mommas boy who's selfish in bed. Be weary of sharing your body with someone who abandons you in their own home. He has little regard for your emotions. Forget what he says over the phone and focus on how he treats you in real life and then ask yourself why you're tolerating this.
I really wouldn’t waste any more time with him. He already has a partner. His mother.
Tittyqueen · 41-45, F
I would talk to him and tell him how you feel and how his actions make you feel. I’ve been there before so I can understand what you’re going thru. I’m sorry 😢
Tittyqueen · 41-45, F
@Lexiitexii you shouldn’t be afraid to bring something up
that’s gaslighting, blaming you for addressing an issue, while making up excuses to avoid the actual problem, and making you seem like the problem the whole time. 🥺 @Lexiitexii
BabyDolls · 22-25, T
@Tittyqueen i had this happen. I wasnt perfect i have BPD so my emotional state isnt the best and id switch between being completely obsessed with her or id go distant in fear that showing i care made me look weak. But anyway whenever there was a problem it my fault. If i brought up something she did i didn't like it would turn into something i did and if she couldn't think of anything it would be something i did in the past. But when she brought up something i did and i tried to bring up something she did i was toxic and the conversation wasnt about what she had done. No matter how often or who brought up her behaviour it never changed, she never seen anything she did as wrong. Sorry for venting on your post. Maybe you might see some similarities and if you do, i may be able to help
eMortal · M
I think you know deep down what's going on. The question is, will you stay or leave?
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
Doesn't sound like you're compatible with each other
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
Is he autistic?
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@SlaveEt he has bpd but sometimes I feel like we both are undiagnosed
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
Could be
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
Well, it sounds like you will never be in a real relationship with him, because he's already in one with his mom.

You should run.
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@LordShadowfire it’s the weirdest thing. His mom is married too not his dad though she wont let him meet or know his real father. Claims she doesn’t know who he is. The other day after her and her husband were having marriage issues she bangs on the door and claims she could hear us. Which killed it for us and we got dressed and headed to work. It’s like her son is her boyfriend. it’s a weird dynamic I’m a boy mom and I don’t act like this at all. He even bought a birthday cake to cater to her allergies even though it was my birthday. I actually broke up with him and 2 weeks later he apologized and realed me back in. He is a very loving guy and fun to talk to but when he is around his mother which we are everyday. He’s 30 and his mom stays up to make sure he is in at a certain time. Sometimes she talks to me like I’ve stolen her boyfriend I also wonder if she ever did something with him becauee that’s how weird it is sometimes. Like I be feeling that weird energy like she is some other woman. Yet I still remain calm and keep it demure.
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@LordShadowfire I’m afraid if I go down the rabbit hole it may get really weird. He is 30 yr old yt male. His mother claims to have a idea who his biological father is but doesn’t know. Claims she was protecting him, which makes me wonder if it was a older family member or something weird. He won’t look for his father which we had in common but I met my dad when I was 15 and actually got a private investigator to find him.
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Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@WhereTheCloudsareFarBehindMe no blonde blue eyes lol
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
He sounds like a wimp to be honest 🫤🤷🏾‍♂ you deserve better

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