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Why is polyamory so hated in the US?

So what? multiple wonderful people loving each other. Multiple committed partners. It is just more love and joy to share 🤷
biandlargeny · 56-60, M Best Comment
The USA has a false sense of purity. It's not just polyamory but make bisexuality is still looked down on as bisexuality in females is more accepted.
biandlargeny · 56-60, M
@SinlessOnslaught it's unfortunate many struggle with peers because of this unreasonable prejudice
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
That's true but I don't care what anyone thinks.. bisexual and Poly are awesome 👅
biandlargeny · 56-60, M
@Snuffy1957 I totally agree

Dolimyte · 41-45, M
The myth of "Judeo-christian values"
Nanori · F
Hiatorically speaking contrary to the other parts of the world, polyamory, bisexuality and other "unconventional" lifestyles are new to the US. Hence the resistance
Northwest · M
Why do you think this is a uniquely US problem (among Western nations)?
Northwest · M
in some cultures marrying within the extended family is normal.

She's talking about polygamy and polyamory. You're saying this is normal in any western country with Pakistani immigrants.

Marrying within the extended family may be acceptable and legal, but that's not the same thing.
chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
@Northwest it's not Illigal.... It's looked down on by society
Northwest · M
it's not Illigal.... It's looked down on by society

I always thought of myself as well traveled, but wit the exception of cultures that allow males to marry more than one woman, I have yet to encounter a single society where polygamy or polyamory are part of the mainstream.

I'm willing to wager that it's about as "mainstream" in the USA as it may be in any Western society.

It depends on where someone might live. If you live in San Francisco, LA, Seattle, New York, or Portland, you're going to find all kinds of lifestyles accepted and practiced, at the same level as if you live in parts of Paris, Berlin, or Copenhagen.
TexasDude · 31-35, M
It really feels unfair. If you aren't giving yourself totally to your partner, then you are cheating them. You also can't give yourself totally if you are spreading yourself around
biandlargeny · 56-60, M
@TexasDude I agree with traditional couples. Couples who agree to a poly lifestyle should be allowed to live with respect as well.
chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
@TexasDude I have enough love to give both of my partners. If you choose monogamy that's fine but poly relationships are no less valid because they aren't your cup of tea
biandlargeny · 56-60, M
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
If everyone knows about it and is treated well and equal and gets along is a group I see nothing wrong with it as long as everyone benefits and it's in mutual agreement
chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
@KingofBones1 thats how we are. 🤷 Have been for a lot time
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@chickiegirl95 the absolutely nothing wrong with that arrangement and how people live their private lives should never be the government's business as long as they're good people and citizens
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Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
People can live as they please if they’re consenting adults and not hurting anyone.

I have an issue with polygamy but not polyamory although I would never participate in it
chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
@Jenny1234 I have no issue with either as long as it's not a result of brainwashing
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
@chickiegirl95 yes exactly
biandlargeny · 56-60, M
@Jenny1234 agree there is a distinct difference between the two.
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
I'm in the US and I LOVE sharing 🤗😋😘
rachelsj · 22-25, F
Call it open marriage or polyamory, it's only going to work with the right people and mindset
chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
@rachelsj it absolutely is not right for everyone. But those who choose it deserve respect too
rachelsj · 22-25, F
MartinII · 70-79, M
It is disliked (I wouldn't say hated) in all western countries because it is contrary to our traditional view of morality.
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The system we have now protects women and children - marginally.
People who are safe and secure enough to try polyamory often can also abuse others, using the monogamy system. They're pretty common and made me think that polyamory was a totally sick scam for decades.
chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
@Roundandroundwego unfortunately bad people exist in any community... That's not all of us
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laurieluvsit · 26-30, F
I have always been perplexed by that when no one is being hurt by it.

It doesn't seem to make any sense. Yes, there could be negative outcomes but that is true in every relationship, so should all relationships be banned?
DiegoWolfe · 36-40
Because the United States of America was founded by religious outcasts who thought europe was getting to calvelier in their relationships...
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
It is? What makes you say that? See a LOT of Americans dabbling in this.
chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
@SumKindaMunster a lot of judgment. A lot of hate and sideways looks when you say you have multiple partners
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@chickiegirl95 Fair enough. I think you can expect that kind of thing when you engage in something new or novel. A lot of people have a problem with it.

This should not impact your behavior. If the situation works for you, and everyone involved is a mature adult, please continue to do what makes you happy.
chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
@SumKindaMunster oh I will annoyance or not
Yeah, unless She leaves her husband And two children, to be in a polyamory relationship 🙄😢😡
paulio · M
it sonly marriage they dont agree with, if oyu liv ein sin thye dont mind
chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
@paulio sun by some people's religion not all
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Sharia Now!!!
biandlargeny · 56-60, M
@AthrillatheHunt that's a bit drastic
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@biandlargeny meh, you take the bad w the good. .
Kenworth4954 · 56-60, M
Gateway to pedophilia
Kenworth4954 · 56-60, M
@Snuffy1957 just settle down
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
Just mind your own business...
If you don't like my comments don't read them
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Lackwittyname · 51-55, M
Such an odd thing, and with all those people judging it many of them cheating on their spouse.
Lackwittyname · 51-55, M
@chickiegirl95 Haha, yep, sharing is caring. And people just cannot understand love is not finite, there is plenty to go around, but jealousy and insecurity cause people not to understand that.
chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
@Lackwittyname that too. My BF is a bad ass lover and amazing father to our children. Why would I not let him show how good he is to others
Lackwittyname · 51-55, M
@chickiegirl95 Great that you are open like that, makes life better
jehova · 31-35, M
The simple amswer is christianity and its stress on monogamy. A better explanation is the baby boom following ww2. And ultimately patriarchy
val70 · 51-55
I guess that you need to look at the ones that survive till well into old age and real frailty
chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
@val70 you mean like the throuple in their 60s that I personally know. That have been together for 20 years... And myself who's been with mine for 4 years?
jehova · 31-35, M
Also "horn-dog" men feel left out. And its generational
chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
@jehova maybe a change on temperament and treatment of women they are pursuing will help lol. Itstheres no shortage of people just a shortage of food personalities
chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
@jehova literally made a separate post about this for this exact reason
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chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
@jshm2 no I mean polyamory.... It's not a staple here. The judgment from society is HEAVY
DownTheStreet · 51-55, M
Is it hated? Sure, there will be lots against it but I’m not sure it often rises to hate?
chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
@DownTheStreet my mother's pastor literally said poly individuals should be 🪢 in the streets......
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
There are multiple reasons.

1) Projection: Some people are just wired for mono. They do not have the ability to romantically love more than one person at a time and they project that upon other people. Because they can't do it, they believe that people in poly relations are not experiencing what they consider actual love.

2) Religious polygamist groups got up to some really shady shit and people assign guilt by association even if polyamory and other polygamist arrangements have nothing to do with the bad behaviors of those cults.

3) There is a huge sense of ownership in US relationships. People act like they own their partner. Seeing a partner with someone else is viewed as a betrayal of that ownership. This aspect doesn't just affect views on polyamory, but it is also behind the way even monogamous relationships tend to explode when they end and people who once liked each other end up hating each other.
You might find your answer when asking why it's so hated in all those other countries
chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP oh it very much is in the US too. Not Illigal but judged heavily
Misspotat · 22-25, F
chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
@Misspotat im polyamorous I used to be mono. i meant society looks down on it
Misspotat · 22-25, F
@chickiegirl95 Society looks down on blasphemy.
chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
@Misspotat 🤷 in their eyes it is but not in everyone's
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exchrist · 31-35
@chickiegirl95 yet they refer to them constantly.
chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
@exchrist unfortunately
exchrist · 31-35
@chickiegirl95 righto and yet men (immature often christian men) seem to idolize misogyny and being a "player". I personally have hundreds of offspring but dont think of women as anything other than respectfully.
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chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
@AnonymousJSS I'm not hiding my partners in public. Nor will I be showing out any more than a couple would

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