hunkalove · 61-69, M
My pa wore two, but I still call him Uncle Al!
Only if you wear one over your other head at the same time... 🤭
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
AS long as he is also wearing three masks, definitely.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M

@wildbill83 I feel the same way when I see someone wearing a "baseball" cap (alone or not) while driving in their car.
*Okay, I really don't, but I do wonder why anyone actually cares what anyone else does/wears in their car (alone or not).*
*Okay, I really don't, but I do wonder why anyone actually cares what anyone else does/wears in their car (alone or not).*

I'd rather wear a suit of armour!

Also a serious question...aren't you old enough to know the answer to this question?
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
I read that it doesn’t and not a good idea, just wear one
DrSunnyTheSkeptic · 26-30, M
Try 3 for luck
Crypitika · 36-40, M
if they're latex, they'll prevent me to live, so yeah.

One for each head? 👀
REMsleep · 41-45, F
No, people joke about double bagging but it makes you more uncomfortable and the condom more likely to slip with friction between the two condoms
exexec · 70-79, C
It might have helped when the one the guy was wearing when having sex with my girlfriend in college either tore or slipped off. She had a nervous couple of weeks.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
It can. Just make sure that the second one doesnt come off.