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How would you feel if your spouse of 30 plus years got you a $2 gift for your birthday?

Litterally a $2 knockoff fake perfume...

and did not even take you out to eat?
PepsiColaP Best Comment
If we were financially restrained I wouldnt care but if that's all the effort he deemed equal to the occasion under other circumstances I'd feel unloved
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@PepsiColaP thank you! I say at least do a meal. Doesn't need to be fancy, just make some effort
@iamnikki yeah to be honest I prefer something thoughtful and inexpensive it could be a letter of things they may find difficult to express directly that are about us ,something sentimental anyway ,than anything that just shows indifference regardless of the price haha. If we were struggling with money thought but he had thought long and decided on that it would be romantic I guess but yeah in other circumstances its hurtful

Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
Ha ha mine never used to get me anything so actually a $2 gift would have been an improvement back then :p
Mardrae · F
He'll, I would just be happy that someone wanted to be married to me for that long! I've been married 4 times, and adding all my marriages together doesn't add up to 30 years! I don't celebrate birthdays anyway, so I would just be happy if he wished me Happy birthday and maybe had a drink with me.
Gifts are overrated. What I would much rather have on my birthday would be for my husband (if I had one lol) to cancel or not have any plans that day other than to be with me, make me dinner, maybe a cake, in other words, to make me feel special and a priority that day.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@Mindful wife is not cranky nor critical
Mindful · 56-60, F
@iamnikki sorry to hear that. But it could be as simple as letting your partner know the romantic “rules” lol. I expect flowers or I expect a card. Average Men are clueless unles they have a lot of sisters telling the brothers what to do. In my partners life gift giving was not a thing. Neither were celebrations. I’ve had to help him understand celebrations are excuses to bring people and family together. It was weird. Ironically NOW that the parents are old, they LIKE these reasons to get to gather. I’m sorry. Off topic again. Oh well. I have had to coach a few male coworkers to buy their wives something. It’s been fun and funny.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@Mindful yea, I'll make sure my future significant other knows that my birthday is a big deal. Didn't get much for birthdays. It was either chuck e cheese or a backyard hotdog party. As an adult, parties were no better so I stopped celebrating them. My future S.O will know that I want to be celebrated.
30 years speaks for itself...
helenS · 36-40, F
I am much happier with home-made (= SELF-MADE!!) gifts.
Purchased gifts don't do it for me, no matter whether they cost $2 or $2,000.
The only real gift I appreciate is people's time.
CaptainKirk · 41-45, M
Wouldn't care in the slightest, I keep saying I don't want or need anything for my birthday
Annoyed that after 30 years they didn’t learn I don’t like scented things.
Sounds like a man that's tired of buying his spouse expensive gifts when all he ever gets are socks and ties
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
I would be happy for that because it is not the value of the Dollars what makes a gift to a gift.

A gift don´t need to cost any money when I know that it comes from heart.

But on the other site my spouse never gave any gift to me: Not even a fake perfume... 😞

And since I am 18 my birthday was never celebrated anymore...
LookingForTheSummer · 31-35, M
@Loretta78 You have a beautiful heart. I hope someone appreciates it.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Sounds like he’s sending a negative message.
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
Like I just wasted 30 yrs
I'd say it depends on what the gift was and if we spent time together. I guess we aren't all wanting the same things. I'd prefer a simple rose and time at home together, doing something I find fun. lol
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
I buy what I want and then tell him what he got me. Problem solved and no argument or hard feelings.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@Keepitsimple using his money?
Said person is cheap so that probably wouldn't work either
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Yep. They’re married. You can put it in 5 accounts it doesn’t matter. Also that person should just get a tootsie roll for .10 for his bday then, lol.@iamnikki
Mindful · 56-60, F
I think it’s important to “celebrate” or appreciate a spouse or partner. But only if it’s sincere. Not because a holiday or a romantic movie dictates it. Movies with their acts of grandeur are meant to highlight an exceptional character, an exceptional human being or story. Not everyone is exceptionally grateful for their lives or experiences. And if you are Not in a marriage... it’s hard to understand. Some marriages are arranged and based on obligation. Also men and women definition. Of love is different.
I would take on the reasons as to why mine felt that was ok and decide from there how I feel about things.
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
I'd be relieved come her birthday and I don't need to stress about what to get her now.
Wondering why I'm with this bozo for so long 😕
I must be the only person that couldn't care less about my birthday or gifts. I'd never assume someone owes me a nice gift simply because I'm alive.
@hlpflwthat depending on the financial situation and the scent, it might be a gift a cherish. I couldn't care less what it cost.
hlpflwthat · M
@SooperSarah I guess I feel like 30 years of commitment & devotion is more than just being alive. Not that I mean to devaluate your feelings. Best to you.
@hlpflwthat I think that commitment and devotion should be valued and cherished every day. Why wait for an anniversary? *shrugs*
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
I guess a bj is out of the question!
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@iamnikki] you cannot say it is the thought that counts .🤫 is he a renowned tightwad then . joking apart i can understand your disappointment and hurt by this
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
That's extremely inconsiderate. Everyone knows I think celebrating birthdays is at best for children only.
just throw the whole spouse and gift out idk whats more annoying lmao
Hopefully I'd be wise enough then so as not to throw that knockoff thingy at his head
I wouldn't care ...it's the thought that counts
hlpflwthat · M
Like I shoulda seen it coming.
As I guy... that sounds pretty typical.
Guitarist07 · 31-35, F
Too damn old
Azlotto · M
I'd be fine with it. I'd just gift it to my side chick.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Money doesn’t have to be spent, it’s the thought that counts. Sounds like there was no though so I wouldn’t be happy.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@iamonfire696 exactly

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