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Can someone give me an idea what the hell is wrong with my husband??

In the course of a marriage the "participants" will no doubt discuss very important issues. My problem is we can discuss an important issue, decide how to handle it & by the next day he doesn't even remember the discussion! He's in his 70's is this dementia???
Thanks for any light you can shed!
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could be... but might not be. confusion along with forgetfulness is more of clue to that, but i'd consult a doc, because there are many types of dementia, some of them due to a simple nutritional deficiency. note whether or not he's clearer in the morning versus the evenings. see that he's staying hydrated, because that can exacerbate dementia, and forgetful people often forget to drink enough water. maybe make a daily journal tracking his memory performance.
@EnjoyingLife unfortunately, it becomes even more important to take good care of ourselves as we age. maybe you could find a water-based drink that is alcohol and caffeine-free to trick him into consuming more water? you're smart. i'm sure you can come up with something.
EnjoyingLife · 70-79, F
@SW-User Very good advice but unfortunately He NEVER listens to me. I suggest to him.....instead of taking the entire bag of potato chips in front of the tv, just put a handful in a napkin.....he still takes the entire bag & usually eats most of it at one sitting! I believe some of his problems are dietary but again he won't listen to me so I've had to give up.
I really appreciate all the insight from other SW members!!
@EnjoyingLife well, i hope you'll still keep enjoying life, no matter what he chooses to do. :)
When was the last time he visited your family doctor? Perhaps routine bloodwork is in order. And some questions to test his memory, short-term and long-term both. It could be any manner of things. Is he depressed? Stressed? Just slowly forgetting? Maybe these topics are not as important to him as to you? Please follow my advice. Don't be overly-concerned. And check it out.
yeronlyman · 51-55, M
If there’s behaviour change he should be checked medically
EnjoyingLife · 70-79, F
@yeronlyman Thank you! I will talk to the doc!
polyandrym66 · 70-79, M
Worth reading with lots of ideas about what could be behind the issue:

Lime Disease
High blood pressure
Vitamin B12 Deficiency

and more listed in their slide show on sudden loss of memory or brain fog.
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EnjoyingLife · 70-79, F
@pagandad Come about recently & has become progressively worse! Thanks for your insight!
SageWanderer · 70-79, M
My wife is nearing 70 and has been diagnosed with small vessel disease in the brain. She exhibits much of the same symptoms in particular with short term memory issues. Also keeping things in perspective like timelines. And yes, it does lead to dementia.
Sepia · 36-40, F
Give him a lot of chances. I believe time isn't too long 🙏
EnjoyingLife · 70-79, F
@Sepia Thank you for your comment, going on 36 years??
Sepia · 36-40, F
@EnjoyingLife I mean few time is left. Accept things just choose to be happy.
EnjoyingLife · 70-79, F
thank you, regardless of all this I am happy! I have a wonderful daughter & son in law...and a wonderful little dog who I love very much!!!
And all you great folks to talk to!!!!
Yeah, this sounds like a memory issue. Time to see a doctor.
EnjoyingLife · 70-79, F
@SW-User Yes, I agree, & will be talking to the doc!
Thanks for the confirmation, I didn't know what way to turn!
@EnjoyingLife Good luck. I hope he will be okay. There are meds which can help.
He could be just stuck in his ways and reluctant to change
EnjoyingLife · 70-79, F
@SW-User Well that's for Sure!!
revenant · F
Has he always been like that
EnjoyingLife · 70-79, F
@revenant Before we got married he was PERFECT! Once I said "I do" everything changed, & this "new" thing is probably a few years old
JoePourMan · 61-69, M
Definitely sounds like the onset of dementia. Or he has had a minor stroke
EnjoyingLife · 70-79, F
@JoePourMan I will definitely talk to the doc!
JoePourMan · 61-69, M
@EnjoyingLife great idea. Wishing you both the very best! 🤗🙏
He is maybe a man? Or dementia?
EnjoyingLife · 70-79, F
@SW-User Probably dementia!
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
If this is not normal then, yes, I would at least be aware and take note of things.

If this is something he has always done then it is something else.

My husband is likely undiagnosed for ADHD. We have whole conversations over and over.
EnjoyingLife · 70-79, F
@JaggedLittlePill I hadn't thought about ADHD, thanks for your insight!
It's called alzheimers

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