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I think its necessary if youre going to have children

Abrienda · 26-30, F
Since, like, since the beginning of civilization? And somehow I think some billion plus "Asians" will somehow get over you disliking their culture, supposing ALL Asians have ONE "culture" which the do not.
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@DaddyMentor Yes, I know that.
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@DaddyMentor I agree with that as well.
4meAndyou · F
I was brought up, (by the television), to believe that marriage was the ultimate goal of any woman. Saturday morning around 6 a.m. used to have some pretty old re-runs. 😂

I don't think marriage guarantees a good mate for life, and it doesn't make the people who are involved in it good or caring people. However, if you are trying to raise a child,(or children), all alone, with one income, it becomes obvious pretty quickly that things will be very, very hard for you AND for the child.

I still remember kicking the 3rd ex out of the house midway through our marriage, because he tried to lock our son out of the house at night. He would have left my son in the parking lot, in the cold, with nowhere to sleep.

My son constantly lost his house keys. I was actually surprised and felt pretty lucky when the ex actually left. It broke up my entire family because my mother became unhinged during the house key losing period, also.

At any rate, there I was, alone, with my son, and no way to pay all the bills. I was already working full time, at a good job, but I just wasn't making enough. I had to get a second job after the first one was over. I was being forced to leave my child alone all those hours, and I had an hour commute each way from Boston. Imagine if I had to do that from his infancy? He would have been raised by strangers.
Miram · 31-35, F
It's not a necessity.
@Miram It provides stability for kids.
Miram · 31-35, F

Hardly ever. My mother's marriage provided violence and... for kids

I am not married in papers and I provide stability for my siblings living under my guardianship.

The only benefit I see, is when the woman is incapable and/or for children's citizenship papers
nedkelly · 61-69, M
I like tradition, yes I live with Mrs kelly before we got married and both of my daughter also lived with their future husbands before they got married
JBird · F
@nedkelly not every marriage are happy.
earlycrisis · 41-45, M
I've been married twice. I don't think I believe in it, and I'm only going to speak from my experience. I'm lucky to have gotten out of them, just writing cheque's no spousal support, or kids.

In a way...I feel like, because I was brought up conditioned to think that marriage is a goal, and everything that comes with it is the natural part of life. as 2020 beings..I'm on my way to hitting my own milestones, and living my own life. Marriage for me felt like bondage.

***Forgot to add. My family is mixed asian, I'm sri-lankan polynesian, british, but brought up totally asian. In some ways, i think the marriage breakdown is a lot more toxic in this community than in the western one...the sex revolution/media is newerish to asian culture.
indyjoe · 56-60, M
I personally am all for it. It is a necessity for me. I had a bad one, but now I have a really great one. I think that the reason so many fail or are bad/unhappy is because people too often rush into it, and many do it for shallow or wrong reasons (that is from my own observations). Anyway, that is my take on it.
Well, some Asian cultures do that.
I love Asian food. Especially Thai food.
rfhh1959 · 61-69, M
There are historical and cultural reasons for it. If two (or more) people wish to enter a formal relationship great but I know if mine were to end I would not do it again
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 26-30, F
I think it stems from another time. Women needed a man to take care of them. Men needed women to provide children to carry on their names. Of course I still think children are happiest when still involved with both parents if they are healthy and loving. But not everyone wants kids nor needs marriage to have kids if they want them. Happiness isn’t found in marriage it’s found in ourselves and the experiences of our lives
Oster1 · M
@Mrsbetweenfatandfit Very well said!☺️

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