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Why would a religious virgin in her late 50s still think about having kids and getting married?

There is this woman of 58 years old on another website I frequent and she lives in the deep South of the States.
She is very religious and she has remained a virgin her entire life. She has recently gotten into a relationship with a mechanic who never has time for her so she never sees him.
The other day she started talking about her getting married and having kids. She was serious and not joking.

I wonder if this person is so naive that she doesn’t realise that she’s way too old to fulfill her dreams or if she thinks religion will miraculously help her get pregnant at her age, or yet another possibility: that she has not gone through menopause yet and is still fertile?
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Just let the lady dream, she's not hurting anybody.
MarieJaneWatson · 26-30, T
I just feel sorry for her. Why couldn’t she live her life when she was young? Why does she have to chase her dreams now that she’s at the end of her life and old? @SW-User
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
@MarieJaneWatson She may not be near the end of her life (she’s several years younger than I am). I’ve known people who have lived as long as 104 years.....she could live another 40 years.
MarieJaneWatson · 26-30, T
@DragonFruit Yeah but you have had a life I assume? Married , dated , ... like normal people do. But how creepy when someone is still a virgin at 58 and never has had a serious relationship?
4meAndyou · F
Adoption makes having children possible, even for 58 year old virgins.
MarieJaneWatson · 26-30, T
@4meAndyou But I think she really meant giving birth to children by herself.
I must honestly say though that I’m not sure she was mentally sane. She talked about her soon to be boyfriend as if she was a teenager in the prime time of her life. I mean, what 58 year old in her right mind talks like that? She quoted passages from the bible literally. Like telling lesbian women that they would get incureable diseases because of their homosexuality and so on. Things like that that have no place in a modern society.
That’s why I asked. I wondered if that was typical of people living in Southearn US States or if it was just her and the other religious bigots from the South I met on that website.
4meAndyou · F
@MarieJaneWatson She might be a little nuts, but older people can be as giddy as teenagers if they are in love. And in the Bible, Sarai, the wife of Abraham, had a baby when she was 90 and Yocheved, wife of Amram gave birth to Moshe when she was 130!!!
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
There have been records of birth mothers being as old as 66, though over 58 is rare.
In any event, let her believe what she wants....and let her have fun trying to get pregnant if she does get married.
If she never gets pregnant, she’ll just say it was God’s will.
texasdaddydom · 56-60, M
very unlikely the worlds record for natural pregnancy is 59
MarieJaneWatson · 26-30, T
@whowasthatmaskedman hahaha :-D thanks for giving me a good laugh :-P
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@MarieJaneWatson 😉My Pleasure.👍️
curiosi · 61-69, F
At 58 years old there is a slight chance that she hasn't gone through menopause however it would still be next to impossible to get pregnant as things are operating properly.
MarieJaneWatson · 26-30, T
@curiosi Do you know other people like her who are so out of touch with their time? I asked some other women on that site if they thought that the traditional gender roles were warranted and most of them actively advocated pro traditional gender roles and one said that the man needs to provide and the woman stays at home in the kitchen. Do you have open minded people in the deep South or are all those people there so dumb?
curiosi · 61-69, F
@MarieJaneWatson Not all of us are dumb.
MarieJaneWatson · 26-30, T
I mean but do you have people in the South who don’t see abortion as murder and who don’t see gay people as a disease and who believe that women and men are equal? All these people from States like Georgia, Michigan, Florida, Texas, South Carolina that I have chatted with on that other website were all so medieval. They literally believed everything that was written in the bible, they all thought women who had an abortion should be locked up, they all thought that gay people go to hell. I truly was shocked that people living in a modern nation like the USA can be so dumb and uneducated. I thought that I was speaking to people who were raised in some poor African country. @curiosi
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
Sounds like you visit some well dodgy websites!! 🤷‍♀️
MarieJaneWatson · 26-30, T
@Harriet03 Most of the members on that other website are religious bigots. I wonder if they are so dumb that they don’t know that in their late 50s they can’t get pregnant or if it’s religion playing with her mind like that.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@MarieJaneWatson Message me the website... I eat Religous bigots for breakfast!!
firefall · 61-69, M
IDK, I went on a date last week with a 60 year old woman who talked (at length) about being ready to have children. I thought she meant adopt, but she made it clear she was expecting to bear them. I suppose its just possible she still menstruates (I didnt feel I could ask, on a first date), but I think it's more an essential failure of sex education.
firefall · 61-69, M
@MarieJaneWatson :p~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ on the hiring (he says at age 61)
but, yeah, I guess a GED would just be a sense of self-satisfaction, finally getting something she missed out on. The rest of it does seem deeply delusional, I agree
MarieJaneWatson · 26-30, T
I wonder if she truly thinks she could do something with her GED. From all the posts I have read from her, she makes it clear that she is not aware that she isn’t young anymore. She talks as if she is a 20-something spring chicken that has time enough to do whatever she wants in her life. I mean, a 60 year old or a 58 year old is pretty conscious of the fact that their lives are over for the biggest part I would think? I mean I’m 23 and I already feel too old for certain things some days. Let alone someone who is actually quite old. I feel sorry for her. Recently I was reading her requirements about dating someone. She wants someone who is muscular, financially secure and handsome and he needs to be a Christian like herself. I mean, if someone ticked off all those boxes , why would they choose a 58 year old when they can get a girl in her 20s for the same money? I think she must be a little autistic at least. I mean, what normal 58 year old would still have such dreams? Sounds like she never accomplished something when she was still young and now wants to quickly do everything she didn’t do when she was young. Pretty sad.
MarieJaneWatson · 26-30, T
@firefall and imagine her being on Tinder. Ewww . A granny who is ready to have her virginity taken at 58 by a young Tinder boy ewww 😂😂😂
robb65 · 56-60, M
Well Sarah was around a hundred when Isaac was born.
robb65 · 56-60, M
@MarieJaneWatson Some are. Very little surprises me anymore.
MarieJaneWatson · 26-30, T
@robb65 I was literally shocked that there are people who take a 2000 year old book literally. That there are people who still would throw their child out for being gay. That there are still people who believe abortion is murder.
Honestly I was shocked that extremism in the name of a religion even exists in the usa in 2019.
I thought I was thrown back to the 1950s when I frequented that website.
And they are not even open to science. They only want to believe what is written down in a book from 2 millenia ago.
robb65 · 56-60, M
@MarieJaneWatson Just remember,here in Alabama we had the little elf for a senator who thought the KKK were the good guys until he discovered they smoked pot.
Maybe she means to adopt? I suppose it could still work via natural means, but I would not bank on it.
texasdaddydom · 56-60, M
Why are you hung up about this person? what does it matter to you so much what she thinks and feels and why are you so judgemental about it?

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