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What do you count as cheating?

Everyone has their own opinion on this topic, so what's your thought on this?

Dancing with someone at a club on a night out? cheating or not? Telling someone your not in a relationship? cheating or not? Texting another girl/guy and hiding it? cheating or not? Hanging out with someone else? cheating or not? Hugging someone else? cheating or not? Being friends with an 'ex'? cheating or not? Comforting someone else when they're hurt? cheating or not? Lending someone a hand from time to time? cheating or not?

We all know, how people convince themselves that someone is cheating on them even though it's not like that...but it's all according on what your definition on cheating is; Some people let/make themselves believe that their partner cheated even though they didn't because that's the easiest way to ruin the relationship before they ruin it, others let themselves believe it because they have no trust for others because of things that have happened in the past; Some leave the person who gets caught cheating and some let the people who actually do cheat get away with it because they think they might not be able to live without them:

Your all better than that! Don't let others tear your trust to shreds because once you start losing your trust for someone it becomes difficult to trust anyone, you begin to build a wall around yourself not to let others in as you might get hurt, because you fear trust but what you should really fear is not being able to trust yourself and your own feelings

- Everyone gets hurt in their life but have different ways of dealing with it. There are many people hurting right now but are still fighting strong because that's what you've got to do when life gets difficult; you fight it.. you give it your all, Fight until the end, stay strong until the end, then win or lose you gave it your all, so you won't regret it!
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jim44444 · 70-79, M
Why even define a concept of "cheating"? What right do you or I or anyone have to define/ restrict/ determine another consenting adult's sex life?
Let us call it what it really is - fear. We fear that if our paramour interacts with another then they may find them preferable to us.
If they do should we not encourage them to seek happiness? If we love them why would we want them to be less than happy?
We fear that we are not worthy enough to attract another lover. If we are so unattractive then why would we want to bind our SO to our worthless selves? Let them be free to choose us or to choose another.
Remember that freedom to explore is a two way street. If our SO is free to interact with others then so are we.
Our relationships should be based on mutual support and attraction not some obsolete patriarchal system of inheritance rights.
I realize the pseudo-religious hypocrites will be spraying apoplectic spittle upon their keyboards because of this proposal but fuck them (not literally).
@jim44444 Each of us has our own standards. What you might consider cheating is not what I do. So respect an individual first. If you want someone to have complete freedom, you might want to tell them that. I doubt anyone truly wants that. We are meant to be with someone. What you do after that should be mutually agreed upon beforehand. You may consider yourself a "free thinker". Some will agree. Others will call you...a bastard. I care little what others do in their bedrooms or elsewhere when it comes to sex or intimacy. I do care what happens to me in mine. Not open for discussion.
@jim44444 or just that concept that they have to be with you only for respect, but devotion goes beyond all that, love is complicated and I see people as free birds that better if they stay loyal cause they want to, not because they feel forced to.
jim44444 · 70-79, M
@SW-User I have no objection to monogamy that is by mutual consent. My objection is to societal shackeling of people's sexual choices. We indoctrinate our youth with fairy tale concepts of relationships and then are suprised that so many couples are unhappy.
✅ Cheating is a violation of an agreement that you committed to.

- if you both agreed you have an open relationship and that either of you could date other people, then if you date others, it’s not cheating.
- but if you both agreed to exclusivity (regardless of whether you are happy in that relationship), dating and displaying romantic/sexual interest in others is cheating
- if you had to hide your activities, or think you cannot tell your partner bec he/she would be upset, then it is cheating
For me it's sleeping, or getting engaged in sexual activities with others that aren't your partner
Straylight · 31-35, F
If you're thinking of doing something you wouldn't want your SO to find out about, just dont do it.
I always ask two questions:
If you told your partner about it, would an argument ensue ?
If your partner was doing it, would you be upset ?
If the answer to either question is “yes”, then it’s cheating.
It's really hard to trust back once you lose it.. at least for me, it haunts me and I think I wish I never had to experience it.
indyjoe · 56-60, M
I tend to agree and stand with PoetryNEmotion and bijouxbroussard on this one.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Anything you would not do with a family member.
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
Having sex with someone that is not your SO.Kissing is not enough to be considered cheating.
Cheating is having sexual relations with someone. I don't consider kissing cheating if it's in the right context and isn't a regular thing.
Cheating is anything you cannot tell your current partner. Secrets. And cheating is certainly fucking other people. I think that is clear enough.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
You know its cheating when it's cheating. You feel it to your very core.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@MartinTheFirst If you feel it's wrong and hide it from your partner is cheating at some level. Cheating is intent and feelings not defined by specific actions or behaviours

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