I would not. He needs to do the right thing and leave her first. Why would I assume that he wouldn't turn around and cheat on me next?
PepperMint · 26-30, F

No. Never have never will.
KeasbeyNights · 31-35, M
No, obviously.
Memetic · 56-60, F
Happychap · 46-50, M
Never in a million years. I've been the betrayed spouse in this scenario. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy the months it's taken me to get to where i am, sleepless nights, anxiety, depression, endless sobbing, loneliness, a suicide attempt not to mention the bitter arguements. I feel i've turned a corner recently and there is now a light at the end of the tunnel. Was it worth it for her.... not one iota she's had the deal with the above and more. If anyone is in a loving relationship and start down this road.... well you're a selfish f**king c**t in my book.
NewBeginings · 41-45, F
I feel extremely sorry for you.
I never thought from the other end.
I never thought from the other end.
Happychap · 46-50, M
Thanks newBeginings. I actually took somethibg positive from the whole thimg, i learnt a lot about myself and she has really helped me sort out my feelings and been there for me. It's been tough but it has brought us closer together. We're more committed to each other than we were before this. In a way i'm glad it happened if that makes sense? I wouldn't wish the trauma on anyone but if you can weather it it can have a really positve outcome x
melbeacher · 61-69, M
If the attraction is there....yes !
blindbob · 41-45
One thing I've learned recently is never say never. I haven't done it yet and not planning to do so but I just can't say..
NewBeginings · 41-45, F
Yes because sometimes at the most difficult and unexpected times,we come across ppl with whom we feel an inseparable bond.A bond which is just beyond our control.
Yeah, sometimes even if we want to do the right thing we still end up doing the wrong ones because we know we'll never meet the same person again
No. It's downward spiral and I would notwant to lose my dignity or integrity.
NewBeginings · 41-45, F
Ooh .. thank you, NewBeginnings. A quick edit was needed! 😳
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
I am married but do enjoy FWB's now
Happychap · 46-50, M
Is that with your wifes consent?
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
Yes but she said not to tell her.
Happychap · 46-50, M
I know what you mean.
silkandlace · 46-50, M
How often is this an option?
NewBeginings · 41-45, F
Well,marriage brings unhappiness ,so I believe many may look out for greener pastures.

Oh ! I did trust me its not a good idea...!
NewBeginings · 41-45, F
What happened next?
BemyValentine · F
aradia11 · 61-69, F
No heart ache...bad karma..n lits of problens