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Best places to go on a first date?

If you've never been on a date, where would you go?
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Nature center for a short easy hike then to my favorite tavern for good ramen and even better beer.

It’s a test of sorts. How much do they enjoy the outdoors? How seriously do they take themselves? (My theory is no one uptight can eat ramen publicly.) And love of beer or good whiskey is a must.
MethDozer · M
ScabbyHeart · 46-50, M
@ProdigalSummer WOW great first date ... you had me at RAMEN!!
TexChik · F
I think that would depend on whether this is a date you really hoped would happen with a guy you’ve liked for a while ... or is just a date with a guy that you really aren’t too excited about .
flashywords · 36-40, F
@TexChik ... it's one you're excited about.
JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
I adore ski-ball .....
chuck7882 · 61-69, M
@JarJarBoom ski ball is the best!'
JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
@chuck7882 ski-ball is the best first date...I love dates where there are games
Always thought best is a place that provides automatic conversational topics in case the couple can't think of any and includes some kind of entertainment..,the aquarium, the zoo, a carnival...then if it seems a good idea, the date can move on to dinner. Or whatever.
Str8 2 ze hotel
Straylight · 31-35, F
The aquarium.
royalblue1193 · 31-35, M
bowling alley
Nature or out doors and not too public but gives you something to educate each other about
@IAMMONARAHIMI Yeah you can talk about flowers and how nice they smell
No you can talk about how the sun feeds the floura by give it photosynthesis and with that the flower 🌹 can’t grow and rebirth fauna @SW-User whatever
To meet my parents
@MethDozer Where are you going? You promised after we slept together.
MethDozer · M
@SW-User Meth Dozer says a lot of things. Oh yeah!
@MethDozer Hahaha
newgirl · 56-60, F
Go out for a meal. It gives you the chance to talk face to face without distractions.
goneeee · F
The zoo, a park, amusement park, movie, etc.
I also like things like art galleries and museums
AlmostAnAngel · 100+, F
Someplace very public.
Is museum a good one?
MarineBob · 56-60, M
A nice dinner cruise
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juiceyangel333 · 31-35, F
Justcurious86 · 36-40, M
Baseball Game, it’s got lots of people so your date feels safe and it’s quiet enough to have good conversation.
Coffee at a diner...near a park...walking distance to a nice overlook for the sunset or the shore of...where are you? lol
Wishingwellguy · 46-50, M
Somewhere with not to much high expectations and you can go douch , but still are able to chat
Mysteriousliaisons · 56-60, M
flashywords · 36-40, F
@Mysteriousliaisons ... LOL. Can you imagine!?
Mysteriousliaisons · 56-60, M
Haha. I’d like to Imgine it 😏@flashywords
@SW-User Lol im sure you have some interesting things in there 😉
@SW-User You should know, you were there
@SW-User Shhhhh dont tell everyone :)
MethDozer · M
Anywhere but an art museum.
flashywords · 36-40, F
@MethDozer ... o.O why not?
MethDozer · M
@flashywords Done it a few times. It's such a boring date and pricey for little to do.
flashywords · 36-40, F
@MethDozer ... ohhh. i see. makes sense.

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