indyjoe · 56-60, M
Yes...I was married once before from 1993-1998 (although we only lived together from'93 to '96). As to what happened...I'll start off by saying that if they gave academy awards for acting in relationships she'd have won top prize (she had everyone fooled). I met her, we fell in love (and had a seemingly great relationship I might add), and we got married, simple enough right? That's when things changed. The very next day after the wedding I began to notice subtle changes in her, at first I couldn't quite pinpoint it but I knew something wasn't quite right. As time went on things seemed to sort of even out so I didn't think much of it. Then the stronger things began to happen, like we'd be out somewhere and she would make comment on how good looking a guy was and that she'd like to do him for example and the flags started raising again. She wasn't working and I had to in order to support us (and she didn't seem interested in getting a job). I later found out why but I'll get to that. After a year and a half of working 7 days a week without a day off and doing all of the things for the household too, I finally had enough and told her that she had to get a job because I couldn't keep that up anymore and she did (reluctantly). She took a couple of part-time jobs but quit only after a week or two. Then she took a job in a restaurant about 40 miles away. Next thing I knew she was constantly calling me with some kind of excuse that she couldn't make it home that night and was going to stay with a friend from work. I was highly suspecting that she was up to something but just couldn't prove it. One time though she screwed up and left proof for me to find... It turned out that all of those times she called and stayed with this friend was true, only she wasn't staying alone...she was staying with some customer she'd picked up while working and the friend was giving her a place to do it as well as providing a cover just incase I'd have to get in touch with her. And that's not all, she never gave up her "boyfriend" at home either. You see, I worked nights and she would wait until I left for work (even going as far as to get ready and get into bed), then as soon as I was gone he would come pick her up and take her to his place and have sex with her all night then drop her off again just before I got home again. Once she was caught, she quit her job and we went to marriage therapy ( still loved and wanted to forgive her and work things out, and she said she did too). The problem was she was lying to me and the therapist and she kept sneaking around seeing her boyfriend. And that pretty much sealed it for was finished. I confronted him and her and she threatened me not to treat him that way then she moved in with him and our divorce was final two years later. She left me with a huge mess to clean up and straighten out and she made horrible accusations against me trying to completely ruin my life (and succeeded to some extent but not completely thank goodness).
Jesuscentreoflife · 56-60, M
I have not and here’s why:
The long and short of it is that in my heart I was alway close to Jesus but the world taught me that:
What you feel,
Developing your higher self,
And other such moral secular platitudes are more important and could make me a better person.
That all started falling apart when I grew angry, bitter and resentful towards my wife because we couldn’t have children and she, and I understand why, didn’t want to adopt.
There were times when I relished the idea of a divorce so that I could find a nice submissive Christian woman (another failure I could rail at my wife for, she is definitely a good person but one for whom the church has desperately failed.)
As time went on though I realized I made my vows before God and He is the only one who can redeem this marriage or dissolve it if that is His will. My wife loves me with her whole heart and with Jesus on the throne of my heart I submit myself to God’s will.
Not my will oh Lord, but thine be done!!!!
I so wanted to be a father, but I must tear that superficially noble idol out of my heart for it is not God’s will for me.
Every day, with God’s unfailing grace I step towards being more like Jesus but I am far from perfect.
The long and short of it is that in my heart I was alway close to Jesus but the world taught me that:
What you feel,
Developing your higher self,
And other such moral secular platitudes are more important and could make me a better person.
That all started falling apart when I grew angry, bitter and resentful towards my wife because we couldn’t have children and she, and I understand why, didn’t want to adopt.
There were times when I relished the idea of a divorce so that I could find a nice submissive Christian woman (another failure I could rail at my wife for, she is definitely a good person but one for whom the church has desperately failed.)
As time went on though I realized I made my vows before God and He is the only one who can redeem this marriage or dissolve it if that is His will. My wife loves me with her whole heart and with Jesus on the throne of my heart I submit myself to God’s will.
Not my will oh Lord, but thine be done!!!!
I so wanted to be a father, but I must tear that superficially noble idol out of my heart for it is not God’s will for me.
Every day, with God’s unfailing grace I step towards being more like Jesus but I am far from perfect.
Yes because he's marrying another woman. That's only 1 reason, i can go on forever but this one is enough
triangless · 31-35, F
@YukikoAmagi Sorry to hear, how long have you been married?
@triangless about 6 years

Emotional abuse
goneeee · F
No married once.
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triangless · 31-35, F
@BiKeyWest oh wow, did you feel better after it was over?
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