Thingschange4444 · 56-60, M
I was married 25. And with her for 30. We split in Jan 2015 and she died in my car Sept 2016. We remained great friends and it really was until death do us part. You will move on. It's hard af at first but trust me u will move on. You have to.
4meAndyou · F
I lived with the ex for 5 years before we married, and then we were married for 25 years. I think the saddest thing about a divorce is that you re-live all of the good times you had together after you split up, and you forget...almost completely...all of the bad things, or the reason for the divorce. That is what happened to me, anyway. I gave in to "remembering the good times", and actually tried to reconcile, and then I remembered every single bad time, and experienced many, many more very, very bad times.
It is easy for me to live on...because I was escaping from something horrible. I am sorry for your pain.
It is easy for me to live on...because I was escaping from something horrible. I am sorry for your pain.
No desire to live on is agreeable in your scenario but is there any choice really!!!
One has to Live.
So, might as well Live willingly accepting those moments spent in togetherness to be the supporting pillar.
I send you energy to identify with your hidden strength soon. 🌞
One has to Live.
So, might as well Live willingly accepting those moments spent in togetherness to be the supporting pillar.
I send you energy to identify with your hidden strength soon. 🌞
Beebo · M
I went thru the same thing. I been single now for 12 yrs, but actually love being single. But my biggest point is, we all adjust thru time. Whether we remarry, or find that perfect relationship, or just staying single. Sorry it happened to ya, it happens to many.
LindaM · 61-69, F
I was with my ex for 29 years, I survived when we broke up fell in love again when it ended I thought I would die but then I realized how stupid it was and that I had a life to live and that's what I am will be dads name was Alphonse lol :)
Angelwithdirtywings · 61-69, F
I left a 30 yr dead marrage a year and a half ago. I don't understand the "I can't go on" yes you can. Its up to you how you move forward. It can be bad or good, but that's up to you.
This message was deleted by its author.
NiftyWhite · 46-50, F
i’m not divorced but before i was recently married i had a relationship that broke and it broke my heart and i never really moved on from it. the only thing i could do was sever that part of my life from my consciousness try to forget that it even happened which isn’t easy and then i found temporal distance made it somewhat easier. honestly i thought half a decade later it would be easier but i still struggle with it at times.
ElPhonse · M
@NiftyWhite it's so hard. Not everyone else can just "dust themselves off, put on a happy face and just move forward".
Did she leave you? I’m sorry for your divorce.
ElPhonse · M
@MissMollyCharlotte0702 I've been away for awhile but it's nice to see some people cared enough to respond kindly. She did leave and caused me unbelievable damage and pain. Progress comes slow, haltingly and sometimes turns into regression. I could write a book on it. Memories surround me while I live in the same home. I could use a new friend. Could that be wrong? I'd like to meet a woman who can change my mind about love again. I just don't believe in it anymore. So confused, lost. Coming close to the 25th anniversary of the day we met (April 23rd). I'm concerned how I'll handle it. I could use a friend 8f you're available,... if not, it's ok and thanks for your sympathy.

Maybe avoid dating again too soon
Make new plans and goals, work on yourself perhaps
Make new plans and goals, work on yourself perhaps
Lolco · 36-40, M
I’m sorry for your divorce too ..... just know that you’re not alone & many (millions) go through this & somehow they find the strength to move on.... many call it a blessing & day life gets better on both end ....
firefall · 61-69, M
I'm right there with you. 23 years married, 26 years together, and I thought we were everything to eachother. If you find out how to carry on, let me know, ok?
Honeylove · 46-50, F
I'm so sorry 🤗

Because of your 50 shades!
Giana · 80-89, F