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So here's some tea: shared with one of my girl friends about the guy I want to tie the knot with

She basically said some stuff that I found confusing.... She asked me "did you split the bills when you guys were dating?"
I told her we took turns because I can't have someone paying for me all the time.
She said "girl, that was a mistake, don't spoil their habits"
I didn't understand what she meant and I asked her to elaborate. She said, "men will not acknowledge or respect you more for it. A man should never let you spend a penny when you guys go out. I've been there, given elaborate gifts, paid for meals, and it never works out, only spoils them. A man should be willing to take 100% responsibility of you and your finances, no matter how much you earn. This gives them the wrong message."

I still don't get it tbh. But also I'm very naive. I didn't ask her further bcz I didn't want to sound slow. What does she mean though
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PinkMoon · 26-30, F
This morning I sent my boyfriend money with the following message. This was prompted by a conversation we had in couples counselling. I realized that he's used to being used,abused and unappreciated by his mother,sisters and ex partners. I decided that I want to be the woman who shows him how a man is to be respected,appreciated and loved.

I want a life partner,not a caregiver and guardian. I don't to be an obligation or burden,I want to be a choice and a source of peace and rest. The couples counsellor said that it's good to get on the same page about finances early on in the relationship. It's up to you to decide the finacial dynamic you want and then communicate that early.

Personally I think your friend's advice is shit. Men aren't money dispensing machines. There's nothing attractive about an entitled leech.

assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
@PinkMoon thank you so much for sharing this. This was extremely helpful!! I never thought about what men might have to endure in relationships when it comes to finances
Iwillwait · M
This is a mixed message for sure for you to digest.

Most men will pay for the meals etc. However there is a newer concept that whom ever does the inviting pays the tab, I have seen this too. I have also seen where a female can have feelings of being downgraded for not being allowed to "Treat," or pay the Tabs.

This issue here is "Expectations." There should bever be "Expectations," only "Communications," this will water and nuture the relationship.
powernap · 56-60, M
This is just one person's advice. I would consult with other female friends you have. Get their opinions too, then you'll be able to make a more educated choice.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
I'm late to this but what she is saying is half BS.
I'm old school and believe in paying everything where a date is concerned. But once a living couple sharing expenses is beneficial to both.
Is the enemy.
My 2nd ex financially ruined me spending my money and protecting her own.
Your gf has that disrespect idea so out of the park all wrong.
Taking turns with the bill sounds pretty reasonable to me as long as he's not like ordering naan and rice when he pays and then sambal pari when you pay.
eMortal · M
She's immature. You shouldn't be taking advice from her. She's quite toxic actually. If you follow that advice your relationship might suffer. Not all men are like her boyfriend/husband.
Keep doing whatever has been working for you so far. If things are moving forward, it's a sign you guys are doing ok.
It means she wants to be financially dependent on a guy, which is horrible advice.
Jokersswild · 22-25VIP
Is she married? If not, maybe there's a reason.
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
WHYz DonTz U pays ALL the TiMEZ hunz?

Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Uh, it's not the 1950s.

Don't be a freeloader.
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
@Starcrossed agreed
She believes women should be takers.
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